Chapter 60

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I saw.

This door. This beautiful, old door. It's so pretty and when I look at it, it seems as though I'm feeling nostalgia. 

I opened the door. Inside was torn to pieces. Nothing was beautiful as it was on the outside. Shattered glass everywhere, blood and the house was completely flooded. Later was to my ankles. In the water, a baby laid comfortably. The baby was smiling and kicking its chubby little legs and arms as if nothing bad was happening. I sensed danger.

I picked up the baby in fear. 

It's eyes were blue and hair is dark and curly. I smile and she mirrored it. The baby looked about a year or more older. 

"Momma." she said and I struggled to not drop the infant.

"Mayella." I heard the familiar accented voice and turned to it. 

His face was a blur. I couldn't focus on anything but his eyes. 

His eyes. They were horrible. It was so bad I almost screamed. 

Bradley's eyes were bleeding. Fatally bleeding. It looked as though he was crying crimson. It was horrifying. 

 There was so much blood. His now pale cheeks were covered in the red, but he didn't look affected. 

Why didn't he look affected?

"Mayella." he repeated.

"Don't, momma." I heard a child's voice say, but the baby was gone. In its place was a toddler. Blonde curly hair and brown eyes. She didn't look happy. She looked as though she wanted everyone around her dead.

"Don't what?" my voice was an echo.

"Don't, momma." she told me, a small cold hand caressing my cheek reassuringly.

"Mayella." Blood covered Bradley said a little louder.

"Don't momma." A ten year old with tanned skin, straight brown hair and hazel-blue eyes begged me. 

"Mayella." Bradley's blood continues to pour. How isn't he dead?

"What do I do?" I said to no one in particular.

"Don't, momma." a semi tanned blue eyed girl with wavy light brown hair said, looking maybe fifteen.

"Mayella." the blood pools at his feet.

"Don't, momma." she grows a year and changes.


"Don't, momma."


"Don't, momma"

"Mayella" I put my hands to my ears to make the noise stop as they continued to say the same things, everything getting louder. I fell onto my knees and squeezed my eyes shut, begging for it to stop.

"Don't, momma!"


I screamed as loud as I could and suddenly, I was sitting up in someones arms, wet and cold, gasping. Back in real life, not dead.

That's when it happened.

In front of me, a very scared looking boy with tears in his deep brown eyes stared in hope. His thin lips quivered over white, straight teeth. Strong, scarred tan arms are wet as they held me close to his clothed chest. His curly, dark brown hair looked so soft and the light coming from the ceiling made him have rays of light around him, creating an angel. He's beautiful and I know exactly who this boy holding me on the cold bathroom floor is.



"I found myself falling in love with everything again. When my smile came back, I knew I was going to be okay." 

-The Better Man Project 


You have reached the end of our fall in may.

Congrats on surviving the depression :)

This has been a crazy ride everyone. Thank you for reading this sad trash. Within the first week, OFIM reached over 1k views. Thats insane. Almost as insane as me. But it's crazy how it happened, you know? Like how?

It's all bc you people. I love you all 

Thanks again, Rose signing off.

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