Chapter 40

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"I think you should!" May whined as we walked through the art store. Taurus was at her side.

"May, I don't need to get a pencil that has my initials engraved in."

May has been trying to get me to have an art show for the past two months, and I was finally deciding to do it with her help.

"Fine." She huffed and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple. Her hand went up and intertwined our fingers.

"My phone vibrated. Can you read it to me?" She stopped and I reached into her back pocket, grabbing her phone.

"It's from your mom. It says 'Come home right now. Bring him.'" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. 

"Let's come back later." she suggested and we turned around to head out the door.



"Mom! We're here." I called and walked through the house into the kitchen. I let Taurus run into my room.

"At the table, Mayella. Sit." her voice was tight and I knew she was mad at once. I sat and heard Brad sit next to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't want you to continue seeing my daughter, Bradley." 

My chest tightened while Bradley stiffened next to me and I searched under the hand for his hand with my own. I grabbed it tightly.

"Why?" I whispered in horror.

"When he left, you were in a completely depression! I will not let him do that to you again!" 

"I'm happy, mother. I love-"

"Don't say you love him. He's just another bump in the road to your future. It may feel like love, but it's far from it. You'll get over him soon enough."

"Let me be happy." my voice was gaining volume as I stood up from the chair, Bradley's hand leaving mine. "I do love him. I love him so much and I always will. Don't you dare ever call him 'a bump in the road' ever again. He is the whole road and theres thing you can do about it. Now take your opinion and shove it right up your-"

"May." Bradley whispered.

"Don't 'May' me Bradley! How are you not defending this?" 

"Because he agrees with me." my mother's voice reminded me of an eel.

"I don't at all, actually." Bradley stood next to me. "I love your daughter more than anyone and I would do anything or be anything for her." his arms were around me in seconds.

My mothers chair scraped against the tile and she stomped to us. I could feel her breath on my face.

"I've been there with you through everything. Who sat by your bedside during the bomb? Who was there for you even when your father died? Who? Me. I've always been there. You met him a year ago! I've known you nineteen. Do not test me." her voice broke. I held myself together and didn't move my facial expression.

"If you care so much, why don't you want me to be happy?" I whispered and turned myself into Bradley as he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"Baby, I do." she plead. "But he is temporary."

"You won't ever get it! Just because dad didn't love you doesn't mean no one loves me!" I screamed and I heard her jump back.

"Come on." Bradley began to pull me away into the hall and we stayed standing there, his arms tightly around me as I began to cry.

"I don't want to come back here tonight." I admitted and he pulled my head away from his chest and I could tell her was staring at me. He moved a rebel hair from my eyes before wiping under them.

"Do you want to come to my house for a few nights? I'm sure Linda will understand." he suggested and I nodded slowly. He pressed his lips to my forehead and hugged his arms around my shoulders. I turned my head to the side and hugged his torso while he put his chin on my head.

Bradley helped me to my room after holding me for about two minutes straight. He helped me get the clothes I described to him as Taurus stayed snuggled up next to moon the floor. He grabbed Taurus's equipment and my medication before helping me up, the backpack over his shoulders. 

"If you want, I can carry you." he suggested and I nodded. He helped put a jacket on me before I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. I kissed his cheek when he put his hands around my mid-thigh to keep me from falling and began walking out of the room, Taurus following. I always liked the way Bradley smelled. I know how creepy it sounds, but he always somehow smelled like Christmas- pine and homey. I buried my face in his neck as we made it to the front door, and he quickly walked out before my mother could stop us.


Are you happy hobo?


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