Chapter Twenty Two

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I missed him more than I missed my sight.

I don't think I could ever be whole again without Bradley.

He was the light that brought me from my darkness in the worst times. That damaged, sensitive boy is the reason I need to admit it to myself.

Bradley was the most important thing in my life.

Some may say, 'It's only been three months. Stop over exaggerating.' But I know the truth that my feelings toward him were more real than anything I've ever felt.

It felt different than how I feel about my family. I cared about my mother and Taurus so much and I would always be there for her, no matter what.

But I cared about Bradley more than anything.

I cared about him more than breathing. He was the light.

He hasn't texted me and I know what that means. He doesn't care for me anymore. Did he in the first place?

I pretend I'm okay in front of everyone else. I eat dinner with a fake smile, but as soon as I enter my bed room, I'm a mess. I want to be happy, but I can't without my light. I need my light to lead me out of the darkness.

Bradley was everything I wanted and more. I know he wouldn't be able to help me, but I don't care and I never will.

I want him more than anything.


*rushes to chapter 30*

Guys I know the chapters are short, but it's because it's showing their feelings through out the time they're away from eachother.

My hair is getting bleached atm so bai


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