Chapter Seven

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I walked into group and was instantly greeted by the smell of cookies.

"May, would you like a cookie?" Richard questioned with enthusiasm.

"Yes, please." I held out my hand and felt the slightly warm sugary treat.

I put it to my mouth and chewed. These are amazing.

"These are so good!" I appreciated "Who made them?"

"Bradley's caretaker." He hesitated. "He isn't here today."

"Oh." I answered with a furrow of my brows. "Is he okay?"

"Yes, he is just feeling a bit...sick." I could feel his anxiety.

"Well, I wish him the best." I mumbled.

I was looking forward to talking to Bradley about what happened, why he ran off. I wish he stayed.

"Okay, everyone! Lets take out our projects and get ready to present." Richard called with a clap of his hands. Taurus led me to my seat and I took it.


"May, it's your turn." Richard announced.

"I didn't get to communicate with Bradley." I whispered.

"Why?" He sounded confused.

I shrugged. "He just ran off I guess."

"Well, Friday you, Bradley and I can meet here if that works for you?"

"Yes, that works." I gulped and fiddled with my fingers.

"Alright. Ursula?"

The rest of the meeting went by slowly. I concentrated on only the clocks ticking, attempting to keep how long we've been here. Once I got to half an hour, it was time to go.

I exited the room and headed to the front door, pushing it open for Taurus.


I was quietly running my fingers over a brail book about history when the phone rang.

I felt for it and answered quickly.


"Hey, it's Bradley." An extremely soft and scratchy voice spoke.

"Hey..." I said. He sounded awful.

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior the other day."

"It's alright."

"No, it's not. It was rude and I'm sorry. Tomorrow we can make up for it, okay? At the office."

"Okay. I have to read. I'll talk to you later." We bid our good byes before hanging up.

I sighed and said "Time." Into my watch and it said 9:32PM.

Dang it's late.

I moved the comforter and pulled it over my body. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.




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