Chapter Four

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"...and that's how I developed my fear of French people." Eleanor finished with a sigh.

"Thank you for sharing, Eleanor." Everyone mumbled.

"Okay, before everyone leaves, I would like to speak about a project I'm having you all do. I'm pairing you up with a partner and you will try to see where this partners fear develops from. This exercise is meant to help you communicate with others. Here's your partners. Emily and Wilson, Caitlyn and Max, Ursula and Finley, Eleanor and May."

"Ursula?" Richard called on her and I guessed had her hand raised.

"Who's with Bradley?"

"Mr Simpson isn't participating in this."

Simpson was his last name. I remember when I was little I watched a show starring yellow people. It was strange. But, I like his last name. Bradley Simpson. It has a nice sound.

"Okay, everyone will meet up with their partners whenever they can until next week! Have a wonderful day everyone and remember, pain doesn't lasts forever."

Eleanor and I planned to meet two days from now, Friday, to communicate about our fears.

Eleanor was nice enough. She let me feel her face and it was smooth. She had big eyes, which she told me were brown, and long hair that was near black.

"Eleanor, why doesn't Bradley talk about his experience?" I questioned quietly as we walked out, Taurus leading.

"Bradley is a strange person. He doesn't talk and on everyones first day, Richard tells them to never touch him. Apparently he has some sort of germ thing I've heard."

"Has he ever spoke about his trauma?" We stopped walking.

She paused as if thinking "No, he never has."

"How long has he been coming?"

"You ask a lot of questions." She noted with a laugh. "But two years."

I gasped. "That's a long time."

"Yeah." She stopped and we sat in silence until she broke it. "Well, I'll see you later." She touched my hand briefly before I heard her retreat.

"Bradley Simpson." I mumbled as I waited for my mom.

"What a strange creature you are." I whispered to myself and tried to imagine him in my mind.


"It's totally fine, Eleanor! I understand." I tried to call Eleanor down as she frantically told me she had come down with the flu.

"I'm sorry! I wont be able to leave the house for two weeks." She sounded awful through the phone.

"It's okay. Feel better and rest. I'll call Richard and tell him." I assured her an she sighed into the speaker.

"You're too nice, May. I'll talk to you later. Thanks again." I hung upon her after a goodbye.

I felt around my room until my fingers landed on a brail sticky note; Richard's number. I ran my fingers over it and dialed it into the raised up home phone.

I held it up to my ear until his answering machine sounded. I decided to leave him a message.

"Hello, Richard. It's Mayella. Eleanor came down with the flu so I can't do the exercise. Call me back as soon as you can. Thanks!" I hung up the phone and huffed out a long deep breath.

I laid back on my bed and felt it dip, signaling Taurus had decided to pay me a visit.

"Hello, my furry friend." I held out my hand and he nudged into it. "I have to take a shower." I sighed.

I loved the feeling of showering, I just hate to process involved.

I grab onto Taurus's harness and spoke the word "Shower" and he led me to my ensuite bathroom. Once inside, I heard Taurus judge it shut and he nudged my hand, telling me to hold onto him. I grasped around his leash and he led me the edge of the shower. I took off my clothes, holding them out after for him to take into his mouth. He placed them on the closed toilet seat before sitting down next to the shower- his usual process.

I climbed in, keeping the door open as usual, and felt for the shower knob. Once found, I turned it left to feel the hot water rushing down my back. I breathed out in content at the feeling.

I heard a clank, which meant Taurus had dropped the shampoo-which is kept on a stand within his reach for this purpose- and grabbed it, opening the top to pour it onto my hand. I lathered it into my hair then washed it out, followed by conditioner and body wash. Once out, I felt around for the towel Taurus was holding out before wrapping it around my body.

I rinsed off my face. I spoke the word "Mom." and heard Taurus jump to signal his leaving to retrieve her. (a/n I'm such a shitty person haha)

"Need help?" My mom questioned as she shut the door behind her. I nodded shyly and she got prepared to do one of the many things I can't do myself; shave. I sat down on the toilet seat after moving my clothes onto the dry part of the floor. My mother lifted my leg up and put on the shaving cream before beginning.

My mother is a gentle creature. She's soft and kind to everyone and everything. I love her more than anything, even when she tries too hard to get me to agree to surgeries.

After the other leg was completely done, she lifted up my arms to get the undersides.

"Thank you." I appreciated as she finished.

"You're welcome, sweetheart." She kissed the top of my head before I heard her leave.

I left also after blow drying my hair- a simple task-to get clothes on. I whistled and Taurus came trotting up. I wrapped my fist around his harness and he led My to my closet, where everything had a raised label on the hanger. I felt for my pajama pants and shirt, along with the necessary bra and underwear, and got dressed swiftly. I left my closet and grabbed back onto Taurus.

"Kitchen." I ordered my dog and he complied.

When I felt the cold tile against my feet, my mother greeted me. I smelt pizza.

"Foods on the table and Richard called."

"Oh, what did he say?" I was nervous as I sat down on the closest chair. I reached out and grabbed a slice, before putting it into my mouth.

"That he found you a new partner, and is wondering if you are up to the task, whatever that means."

"Oh, who is it?"

"A boy named Bradley." I nearly choked when she said his name.


Two updates in one day?

Good job me.



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