Chapter Nineteen

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The water was in my eyes as they stayed open, never moving. The balled up position I was in against the corner of the white tub felt protective of my shaking, naked body in a way. The scolding water of the shower running down my face made my hair stick to my forehead and roll into my wide open eyes and passing down my whole body.

"Come on, Brad. Let go of everything."

"Brad, you're doing so good."

"More, Brad."

"Say my name, Brad."

"You want this, Brad."

"Say you love me, Brad."

Her words ran through my mind in the accent that I was unfamiliar with at the time that it happened.

Marianna Gill was troubled. With the mental illness and hallucinations, she was about to burst. Apparently, her husband had left her for a younger girl when she found me at the park playing hide and seek with Tristan and James.

She saw me older as if I was a father playing with his sons.

When Marianna was executed when I was fifteen, I was offered a seat to watch her death. But I refused. I knew that if I saw her face again, I would hear my screams for her to stop in my ears. My mother went though. She went and said she almost recorded the monsters death.

These thoughts of before her execution raced through my mind. The years of waiting, constant reporters that made my family and myself ashamed, and most importantly the loss of things I cared about.

But there's one thing I can thank Marianna for.

If she hadn't assaulted me, if I hadn't had such severe trauma, if my mother hadn't sent me to America...

I never would've witnessed the beauty of the girl with no sight.



"Fresh air!" I screeched happily as I exited the hospital. My mothers hands were tightly around my elbows to keep me from crashing to anything.

She laughed. "You act like you didn't have your window open most of the time."

"You know what, it was not the same." I hugged sarcastically and giggled with her.

"For dinner tonight, I thought we could order some pizza, and we can listen to Grown Ups." My mother suggested and I nodded eagerly.

I can't watch movies so my mom will sometimes pause to describe the scenes to me in a hushed tone as I listen to the audio. Grown Ups was my favorite.

The car ride was strange, it felt almost different to ride while my mother was talking about different little things going on at work.

My mother works from home to make sure I'm safe. She does some sort of programming of companies computers from afar, and it makes it more protective of the company's information.

"And when we get home, I have a gift for you." She sounded excited and I furrowed my eyes brows in complete confusion.

My mother helped me through the lip in the doorway of our tiny suburb house and I almost got us both down when I felt a big ball of fur bound onto me.

"Taurus, my baby!" I laughed and he continued to lick my cheek happily.

"Taurus, down. We're not even inside." My mother scolded my loyal dog.

"Ever since I got him mom, I haven't been without him for no more than two days. It's been two weeks." I whined, wanting to give as much love and attention as possible to my best friend.


The beginning of this chapter is so fucking sad bc it's like a movie scene and I could imagine it as I wrote it and reread it.



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