Chapter Twenty

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(Holy shit ed so close I'm screaming)


I felt the line of furry creatures who each tried to get my attention. Some were small, some were large and others weren't soft which was what I wanted.

"Mommy, I don't like these ones." I complained.

"Baby, please." She begged in desperation. I had recently become blind and was in need of a service dog.

We decided I needed one when I kept continuously crashing into doors, walls, falling down the stairs, tripping and so much more. I was covered in bruises and scrapes.

"Do you have anymore?" I asked the man.

"We have one...but he's still a puppy. He needs constant revision and is a bit of a trouble maker. He's trained almost completely, but you don't want him."

The description was perfect.

"Show me, please." I rushed the words out.

"Is it alright?" He seemed to be asking my mother.

She thought for a moment. "Okay, only if its love at first sight for-" she flinched at her choice of words. "Only is they love each other as soon as they meet." She corrected in a small voice.

He lead me by my hand. Since I was new to this whole being blind thing, his hand was all I could rely on at the moment to take me places I didn't know.

I heard a metal door open and some barks erupted.

"He's the only seeing dog we have other then those."

"What kind of dog is he?" My mother asked from my right side.

"A retriever. But he was born with an abnormality. He's white instead of golden."

"He's sounding better by the minute." I whispered to myself in excitement. He better love me.

I heard a crate open and I felt a small ball of fur against my legs. I gasped and picked the little creature up. He fit in my arms.

"Aren't retrievers supposed to be big?" My mother questioned as I giggled when the puppy licked my nose.

"He's the runt." He explained.

"He's the one mom." I whispered and she pathos head, obviously agreeing "What's his name?" I asked, focused on the creature I was holding carefully in my twelve year old small arms.

"We call him Taurus."


I held a piece of cheese out for my dog to eat when everything was settled down.

He gratefully took it, it being his favorite snack. We fed Taurus human food in stead of the chemical mixture they call dog food. It's usually plain pasta or greens.

"Do you want to start the movie?" My mother questioned from the living room.

"Yes!" I answered and tapped Taurus's head to lead me into the living room. I sat down on the couch and he climbed up, resting his head on my lap. I stroked his fur, noticing how much I really missed him.

"Were you a good boy?" I asked him.

"He stayed by the window the whole time. He barely ate and getting him to not sleep in your bed was near impossible." Mom answered from her chair.

"Aw, baby boy." I cooed and rubbed my face against his before kissing his nose.

"You treat that dog as if he's a human being." My mother grumbled.

"Because he is to me. He's my little baby." I kissed his nose again. "Isn't that right?" I cooed again and he licked my face in confirmation.

The movie started as soon as the door bell rung and it took a minute for mom to get up and open the door. She thanked the delivery guy politely and came back with the wonderful smell of my favorite food.


Filler after filler I'm a piece of shit lmao
May is me with my dog tbfh

FoLlOw mY fAnAcCoUnT oN iNsTaGrAm: orgasmicbrad



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