Chapter 45

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I gripped my backpack strap closer to my left shoulder as I walked up to the ivory and glass mansion with gold leaf trim. The perfect lawn was being tended to by landscapers and the fountains were elegantly spewing water onto the roses going around them. I sighed heavily before ringing the doorbell.

A woman decked in expensive diamonds, pearls and gold opened the door and motioned with her sharply manicured nails for me to introduce myself.

"Bradley Simpson...I'm here to draw Mr. Williams' wife and daughter?" I bit my lip, hoping I had the right house.

Her eyes racked up and down my body and I shifted uncomfortably. "She was right." she muttered and went back to mom eyes before smiling. "Theresa Williams." she held out her hand to let me in, which I complied to. As I looked around the fifty foot ceiling entrance room, I adjusted my shirt to hide the hickey May gave me on my neck and the scratches below it. Ever since I told her that I like to be marked, she's been trying her hardest to put as many as she can on me. 

"Lauren and Sabrina are upstairs getting ready. You can go upstairs and assist while I finish my makeup and change." the blonde woman smiled and I realized that her makeup was already too much. 

"I thought it was only Lauren..." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well, I wanted Sabrina in it too. She was ill when your show was happening so you didn't get to meet her. They need some help." she told me before leading me the spiral stair case.

"H-How should I help them?" I questioned a bit intimidated. 

"Just if you need a certain scheme. Also tell me real quick what I should wear."

I thought for a moment. I've never done this before. "Uh...I saw some flowers out back under a tree. You could maybe go with the colors of them?" I suggested and she nodded before directing me down a hall to two doors across from each other- one held an S the other an L.

She knocked on the L. "Sabrina! Lauren! Mr. Simpson is here. Are you decent?" I heard giggling from inside the room and hushed tones before an unfamiliar voice called out a simple yes.

"I'm going to my room, so go ahead." she strutted away and I opened the L door carefully.

Inside was bigger than Linda's whole apartment and on the bed sat two girls. They both looked completely different. Lauren, I remember, has long black hair and piercing green eyes with tanned skin. The other girl who I'm guessing is Sabrina has long blonde hair that looked carefree and a bit fluffy with blue eyes. When she smiled, it was sort of irritating to look at since it looked more of a duck face than a smile, kind of creepy in a way. Other than that, they were both pretty...but nothing to May's beauty. They both wore matching baby pink, silk robes, Sabrina's an SW and Lauren an LW over the heart.

"Hi, I'm Sabrina."  Sabrina smiled and I immediately could tell she was being flirtatious. Mother of God, murder me now. Why was I getting female attention all of a sudden?

"Hello, I'm Bradley Simpson, but you can call me Bradley." I greeted with a polite smile.

"Hello, again." Lauren winked and I knew immediately this would be a long day.

"So, I'm supposed to help you with clothes." I murmured and they both blushed. Jesus Christ, help.

"Well, Sabrina has a few outfits picked and so do I." Lauren answered and they both stood. 

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