Chapter 53

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Holding back hair while throwing up back massages and pampering were nothing compared to the horror currently staring me straight in the face.


"Three Big Macs, twenty chicken nuggets, two large fries, one water and a chicken salad, please." I sighed with my hands rubbing over my face and took out my wallet in the McDonald's line.

"Hungry?" The worker joked and I raised my eyebrows with a chuckle.

"Pregnant girlfriend." I explained and he nodded his head in understanding. I paid.

"Good luck. I have three." And he left to place my order.

I looked back at May at the table, one hand resting over our four and a half month baby and the other under her chin. I walked over to her and touched her knee.

"Foods getting cooked now."

She frowned. "I feel fat."

"May, you're not fat. You have a little baby in you that's making your belly grow a bit. Our baby." I kissed her forehead.

She sighed through her nose. "I just want-"

"Bradley!" The order man called and I tapped May's leg before grabbing the food. I gave it to her and she becan stuffing her face happily.

"Yes, this is some good shit." She moaned and I laughed.

"Man, you swear a lot when you're pregnant." I noted. She shrugged in response.


Taking a small break from OFIM while I think of ideas. But go check out my new fanfic called FAKE. it's really cool.


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