Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Ma'am!" I heard for the third time as a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Yes?" I turned.

The male voice cleared his throat "There's something you need to see."

"I can't see anything." I replied blandly.

"Oh..." I could practically here the gears click in his head. "I'm sorry but there was a man. He was drawing you and I thought you might have had a stalker before."

"What was his name?" I gasped.

"He signed it...but only his initials."

"What were they?" I pushed.


The air stopped entering my lungs and I gasped for air. I put my hand on my chest and held onto the gate.

"Ma'am are you okay?"

"He was so close to me." I whispered and began crying. My blindness stopped me from seeing that he was so close.

"We can call the police. I got a good description of him. His hair was-"

"Don't." I interrupted. I don't want to know what he looks like. "I know him from another time. Not a negative. It's alright. Thank you..." I added quickly "Is it good?"

"Is what good?" The voice questioned.

"The drawing."

"It's incredible. He's got some real talent." He admired and I nodded a thank you before walking away.

At home I wasn't in tears. I was actually calm considering the circumstances.

If calm is called throwing whatever you can touch, then I'm a million percent calm.

"I hate this!" I screamed and I heard my mother enter my room before I could grab something else.

"What happened?!"

"He-Was-So-Close!" I gasped through my rough breathing. "Right there."


"Bradley! Bradley was across the street!" I screamed. "I was so close, but if these fucking things called my eyes worked, I could've seen him! I could have talked to him! He drew me on the sidewalk and apparently it was incredible and I couldn't even see it! I hate this so much! I want to see again!" I screamed as the water works came. My mother gathered me into her arms before taking us both onto the floor. She cradled me as I let out everything I'd been attempting to hold in for so long.


The next chapter is HELLA short but you'll understand when you read :)


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