Chapter 43

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I woke up to the small light shining through my window. May was in my arms as usual, but instead of her usual black or blue T-shirt, she was bare. I moved my leg a little and realized that I too, was completely naked. I waited for the part where I freak out and start crying, ruining everything when realizing what I had done the previous night.

But I just smiled.

I smiled so widely my cheeks hurt. We did it. The memories flashed through my mind- her beauty, the feeling...just Mayella.

I tightened my arm around her and she yawned her cute little kitten yawn. She shifted to turn to me and her face twisted in pain as she fell back down to her back. My smile faded.

I sat up on my elbow to look at her. She weakly smiled as she stared up. "Are you alright?" I whispered and moved a rebel hair from her forehead.

"Just a bit sore is all." she blushed and I knew she was thinking of last night. I stood out of bed and put on the pants I wore the night before, not caring about going don stairs commando (A/N I stg if Brad ever goes commando in loose pants, I'm out. Just kidding...I'd run to him and make him drop em to the floor and get on my knees in front of him and- James: Pray to our lord and savior Jesus Christ Amen)

"Where are you going?" she mumbled as the door opened and pulled the blanket more up to her chest.

"I'm going to make you some breakfast, and bring it up here with some ibuprofen. Would you like me to make you anything specific?" I asked her softly, leaning against the door way. The wood felt cold against my bare chest.

"I could really use some waffles."

"Waffles is what you will receive." I smiled even though I knew she didn't know I did "What would you like to drink?"

"Can I have some tea?"

"Whatever you want, its all yours." I answered and she smiled.

"I love you." she mumbled before snuggling closer into the blankets.

I walked back to the bed. "I love you." I muttered against her forehead before walking down stairs.

I was preparing to get the pancake mix when a voice spoke behind me. "What happened to your back?" I mentally groaned and turned to be faced with Connor's obnoxious girlfriend Opal. I was one thousand percent sure she was only with Connor to have a place to crash when her family disowned her for the seventh time that day.

"Why are you here?" I mumbled and turned to get a mixing bowl.

"Connor's going to be back soon with Linda and Steve so he said I could come here. Now, what happened to your back?"

"That's personal, Opal. Go to Connor's room and stop bothering me please?" I'm an extremely polite and kind person, but she always makes crude comments and completely inappropriate advances towards me. She also bothers May.

"I'd say you got laid. Hard." my body froze and I turned to her.

"I'm begging you, Opal. Please just leave me alone." I whined. I don't care if I sound like a child. I hate rudeness and she makes me want to be.

She shrugged. "I'm just happy you finally got some. Only been a year and I'm glad she could finally see how hot you are." she headed towards the staircase with a slight snicker and I felt my eyes prickle and my head heat up. She just made a fucking blind joke.

"Do NOT, make those kinds of jokes, Opal. I will not refrain from telling Connor everything. You'll have to go back to Indonesia and I know for a fact that you don't want to. Never make a comment like that ever again. in fact, I'll have Connor call you when he gets back. Just leave." I shook my head after pointing to the door.

She scoffed. "Fine." and walked to the door with one last glance at my body. "The things I could do to you." sh mumbled longingly before slamming the door behind her. I held my hand to my chest and braced myself on the counter.

Who does she think she is? Coming in here and making a comment she knew would offend me to the max? No one should ever make a blind joke. It's just not right.

I let out a long breath I didn't know I was holding before thinking about last night. I smiled as I continued to cook May's breakfast. My curiosity got the best of me and while the waffle iron was flipped, I walked to the bathroom and turned around in the full length mirror.

"Oh, my god." I gasped and reached one hand over my shoulder to feel one of the many red, raised lines that marked my tan back. Matching crescents in sets of four or five decorated the bare tan. I knew there would be some marks, but there was at least eleven sets down my back.

The shocking thing was, I kinda liked them.

They were a symbol of what happened and I was happy. Proof I actually had sex was marked on me temporarily. Is it bad that I kind of want to show it off? The waffle iron dinged and it was then that I decided, before these marks fade, May and I are going to the beach.


Bradley you kinky little fucker

Today I've literally been verbalizing everything on Instagram. The boys are in Poland and they're making my hormones rage like fucking Warped Tour (best thing ever. I go every year) I actually screamed daddy at a Brad picture and my mother walked into the house.

That was fun to explain.

Okay I'm out.


Ps after I posted this chapter I heard about Manchester. I'm disgusted at what these people are capable of doing without remorse. I hope for each and everyone of them to be okay and may the already passed rest in peace🙏

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