Chapter Nine

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All I heard was his cries for help. All I did was touch his shoulder, but I feel so guilty.

He has been in the hospital since the incident two weeks ago. They placed him in a hospital for the mentally unstable a few days ago. And I'm unsure of how I feel about it.

I wish he would open up about what happened to him. What are his fears? Why cant he be touched? Why cant I shake the feeling that he is more traumatized than everyone in that room combined?

I've seen Richard once since then. He said Bradley was okay for now, and he won't be attending sessions anymore.

I was going to miss him a little bit. I ever really had a friend since Camilla. People thought I was too difficult to be friends with. I felt like Bradley was kind enough to me.

I slammed my hand onto the ringing phone and groaned a hello as I answered.

"Is this May?" A stern voice questioned through the phone.

"Yes. May I ask who's calling?" I was curious.

"River Hill." She said and my breath hitched. The name River Hill was where Bradley was receiving treatment. I waited for her to continue.

"Mr Simpson has been begging to speak to you and today is visiting day. Are you willing to come?"

"Uh, yes I can." I answered.

"Be here around one." She hung up and I asked for the time. Twelve.

I walked to my closet and felt the brail. I pulled out a pastel pink lace shirt and skinny jeans. I put on the clothing before slipping on tan suede ankle boots. I let Taurus lead me to the bathroom before I grabbed my toothbrush and tooth paste. I began brushing my teeth while pulling my fingers through my hair. After two minutes, I washed the brush out before walking into the kitchen.

"Mom?" I called and I heard a door shut.

"I've already got my keys. Lets go." She brushed past me.

"Follow." I mumbled to Taurus. "How'd you know?"

"Richard called an hour ago to make sure it was okay." She helped me into the car.

"Thank you." I appreciated.

"No problem sweetheart."


River Hill Hospital was a sight according to my mother.

"It's red brick. Kinda faded. It has a big gate and their ivy up the walls. Kinda scary." She admitted.

"Oh." Was all I answered, picking at the edge of my dress nervously.

"You're alright." She squeezed my knee assuringly.

"I know." I breathed as the car stopped.

"I wont be going in, but Taurus can lead you. I love you."

"I love you too" I got out and let Taurus lead me to the front door.

"Wait!" I heard and turned to her. "You forgot the cane."

"I don't need it, mom."

She sighed. "Fine."


"I'm here to see Bradley Simpson." I told the person at the desk I felt.

A woman answered. "May?"

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