Chapter Thirty Five

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Also Ed's help lmao

I also can't write this shit without feeling awkward so rip me

No they're not having sex so acuna your tatas.

Enjoy some Madley feels.


It felt so strange.

May's lips were so soft and warm when I placed mine to them for the first time. I pushed my mouth a little more to hers before breaking away, letting out air I didn't know I was keeping in and she smiled. This moment was so intimate, so real, that everything going on was gone as I put my lips back to hers.

She gasped a little, surprised by the sudden action, but slowly moved her hands to my shoulders and kissed me back.

My hands moved from her face to her tiny hips and I pulled her a little closer, filling the awkward space between us.

She was on her knees as I stayed sitting with her arms wrapped tightly around my neck and mine around her waist. She would've looked taller than me from an on looker, as I was facing up to meet her lips.

Kissing is much a common word. It's thrown around so loosely, as is sex. Teenagers kissing behind the bleachers, characters in movies having sex. It's  just so overly used and meaningless. I wouldn't want to call what May and I were doing just 'kissing'. I would call it...joining forces? No, that's too Star Wars. Jesus, Bradley why are you thinking about Star Wars at a time like this?

I was the one who broke it as I pulled my head back and laughed, "Air is important."

"Overrated." She mumbled before pecking my lips once more and sitting where she was before.

Her cheeks were flushed and her lips slightly bigger than usual.


"Yes?" She mumbled and fiddled with her fingers.

"Was that your first kiss?"

Her cheeks became brighter. "Maybe."

I smiled. "Come here." I wrapped her body in my arms and kissed her forehead. "I love you." I mumbled against it before placing my chin on her hair.

"How'd you switch from not even able to hold eye contact to making out with me in three weeks?" She laughed out of no where.

"I guess something clicked. Linda tried it two days ago after you left..." I flinched.

"What happened?"

"Well, she just touched my arm, by my choice of wanting to test, and I lost it."

"You'll do better. I know you will and can. That's why I'm here." She smiled proudly.

"Also here to hug me." I muttered and she wrapped her arms around my torso and began talking about her plans for the rest of the day.



I say that word a lot.





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