Chapter Twelve

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I exited the hospital with Linda by my side. She kept a distance from me. I frowned at the ground and walked towards the gate but frozen when a pair of glass eyes staring forward caught my attention.

"May!" I smiled and walked up to her, leaving a VERY confused Linda behind.

"Hello, Bradley." She greeted. "Ready to go home?"

"Oh, yeah." I scoffed, happy she was here with me.

"Bradley, can I speak to you from a moment?" Linda's voice was cautious as I turned.

I met her half way and she looked utterly confused by the way I talked to May so easily. "How-Why-" she stuttered. I could tell she was almost offended that I was open to May, but closed to her.

"She's nice." I spoke quietly and turned back to the girl who always wore dresses and no makeup.

"I can tell...are you going with her?"

"Yes, if that's alright. Her moms driving."

"Does she not have a license? Is she even sixteen?" she looked at May's let wife and short body, probably thinking she was younger than her age.

"She's eighteen and she can't have her license."


"No, she's blind." I whispered and Linda's face turned red in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry." She told me sincerely. "Be home before eight." She mumbled before walking to her car.

The drive to May's house consisted of my staring at her as she stared blankly out the open window, her hair blowing everywhere. When she turned to me to ask me if I wanted the window back up, she looked like an angel with a golden halo around her head. Of course I said no, just wanting to watch her hair blow more.

"Are you hungry?" Her mom asked, looking through the rear view mirror at me.

"A little." May answered with a shrug.

"Would you like to go to TGI Fridays?"

"Yes!" May answered quickly with excitement. "Oh, I'm sorry. Do you like that restaurant, Brad?"

I saw how happy if made her when he mom suggested it, so I agreed of course.

TGI Fridays was an American chain restaurant with a loud atmosphere. Since it was before midday, only a few people were in the booths and tables. We were seated and May's mother, Joy asked for a seat away from people for me. I thanked her gratefully.

When we sat, Joy asked what I wanted to drink. I told her water and when the waitress came over, she ordered for me.

"Thank you."I murmured and she responded with a smile. May got, of course, her favorite drink of lemonade while Joy got a water with lemon.

"So, Bradley. What do you like to do for fun?"

"I draw a bit. I'm not very good. I also like to read." I answered honestly as I stared at May twirling her straw around her drink absently.

"Wow, that's incredible. Before the incident, May was an excellent artist." Joy admired her daughters past life as May shifted uncomfortably next to her.

"I'll be right back." May smiled softlyand tugged on Taurus's bar lightly. He stood and led her to the bathroom.

"Bradley, I would like totally to you about something." Joy hesitated. "May seems happier around you." (A/N YOU LOOK HAPPIER! YOU DO! -Ed Sheeran)

I furrowed my eyebrows to hide how I felt. "She does?"

"I also believe that this is because May has developed feeling for you. I'm unsure, though." She bit on her lip.

"Wow..." I shook my head.

"But Bradley, if you ever develop any form of feelings for her, know that May is unlike anyone else. She needs constant care and help. She's unable to care for herself and I feel as though it would be difficult for you." She frowned.

I never thought of that.

May. We'd help with everything she does. Showering, walking, eating. She can't open a door herself. She needs someone to hold her arm when dogs aren't allowed in places. I cant touch her without having an attack.

"Trust me, I don't have that sort of feelings towards May. She's a beautiful, lovely girl, but I don't know." I do know.

Joy smiled weakly. "Okay..."

"Hello." May greeted with a beaming smile as she sat down at the table.

"Hello." I responded but I knew I was actually saying goodbye.



Ed's a hobo


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