Chapter 38

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"Don't be such a grump!" May laughed and felt for my hand across the table. We were currently eating in a very loud, uncomfortable restaurant.

"We're only here since it's your birthday." I grumbled.

"I'm old!" she giggled happily and spun around in the swivel chair.

"You're so cute." I chuckled and shook my head at my girlfriend of five months. "And nineteen is not that old."

"I know I'm cute. And you sir, are also an old man this year." she put her stay between her teeth and sucked up the soda.

"Oh, twenty one is just a million years old isn't it?" I rolled my eyes.

"I could practically hear that eye roll." She started forward with a smile. Sometimes I like to think that she can see me and is just staring at me.

"So, no cake, just cupcakes right?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"I find cakes completely immoral. Whats the point of a huge thing of sugar that no one can finish and normally goes bad, when you can just have a smaller, miniature one with even more frosting." she ranted with flailing arms and I smiled widely. I loved it when she ranted about the little things that irritate her. Like when people bump into others and don't apologize, or when they spill something and don't pick it up. Holding doors for others is about ten minutes long. It's these little things that she does that makes me love her more and more, fall harder and deeper for her.


May laid comfortably on my chest, curled up in a ball. Her mother allowed her to sleep over my house, knowing how I wouldn't try anything because of my past.

"Did you enjoy your birthday?" I whispered and held her closer before bending down to kiss her hair.

"Yeah..." she threw the blanket off and was on top of me in the matter of a second. "But, I want a kiss."

"Fine by me." I shrugged and she leaned down, pressing her lips to mine. My hands went to her hips and hers to my hair. I figured it would just be a simple, innocent kiss.

Well, May had other ideas apparently.

May's hair fell freely down the sides of her face as she began to kiss me harder. I was okay with this new gesture without our usual gentleness. It was actually...kind of better in a strange way. But when she began moving her hips against mine, I knew it was time to talk.

I pulled away and looked back up at this beautiful girl. Her hands moved to next to my head, caging me in.

"Why'd you stop?" she asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

"May..." I didn't know how to explain it without embarrassing myself, or upsetting her.

"Bradley..." she repeated in the same tone and squinted as if she was trying to see me.

My cheeks were on fire. "What are you trying to do?" I finally choked out.

"Trying to kiss my boyfriend."

"No, why are you..." I tried to hint towards what she was doing.

"Why am I what?"

I took a shaky deep breath. "May, why are your hips doing that?"

"Doing what?" She played innocent. "This?" she did it again and I picked her up from my lap, placing her down next to me.

"Bradley, I'm nineteen years old and still a virgin." she groaned as if she was in pain.

"I'm not ready, yet." I said in a soft voice.

"Well, its been five months. Don't people have sex by two?"

"I'm not ready, yet." I repeated as my eyes began to sting. "I'm not ready, yet."

"You said that. But Bradley, I want to so badly." she whined.

"I'm not ready, yet." I whimpered again as hot tears fell from the corners of my eyes. "Not ready. Not ready. Not ready." I repeated and shook my head slowly.

"Why can't-" she stopped mid-sentence and something clicked in her mind. "Oh, my god." she whispered "Oh, my god. Bradley, I'm so sorry. My mind was at a blank and I didn't think of how-"

"Not ready." I whimpered softly again and flinched when her arms wrapped around me. 

"Come here." she said quietly and I placed my head on her stomach. She began playing with my hair, something we found out calms me. She began humming as my tears slowly stopped.

"I'm sorry." I told her as I came down from the attack. "I want to. Just not yet. I want to a lot, but later, I promise." I swore.

"Take your time. Just don't let me be thirty." she smiled and I thanked whoever could possibly hear for her.


That was awkward.

How am I ever going to write a sex scene

Good thing I have ed


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