Chapter 48

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May anxiously tapped her foot against the floor from her seated position on bench next to the door, her bottom lip between her teeth. I stared at her while the rest of our guests talked amongst themselves.

The house warming party was here- five weeks after we moved in - and May had invited her mother. So far, Linda, her husband, Connor, Mrs and Mr Williams, Lauren, Sabrina, Richard and Florence, Eleanor and her boyfriend Jacob.

"Bradley...I wanted to discuss something with you." Linda whispered and I looked over at her. Her blonde-grey hair was in a loose bun and her wine glass was just as full as mine.


"Remain calm...but your mother is visiting soon with Tristan and James."

I tensed immediately. "What?!" I gasped.

"She wanted to see you and the boys miss you." She plead "Just give her a chance."

"I-I need to think. When are they coming?"

"Within the next month."

I let out a long breath. "I can think in that time. I just need a proper mind set."

"I under-" a knock interrupted her sentence and May's hand was on the knob before I could even look. She whipped the door open to display Joy.

Her pink painted lips were in a tight line and her green eyes darted every where as people stared. She cleared her throats and May held out her hand to touch her mothers face.

"Hello, May." She greeted and May relaxed a little at her gentle yet guarded  tone.

"Hi, mom. I'm glad you came. Come in." She gestured and her mother entered the house while taking off her jacket. I placed my wine glass on the table and jogged to her to take the coat. She glared and gave me a single nod as I took the jacket. I walked over and put it into the hall closet before going back into the living room.

"Everyone...this is my mother, Joy." May introduced calmly, but I knew she was freaking out on the inside.

"Are you all friends of May?" She asked as Linda handed her a glass of wine.

"I'm Bradley's manager, but yes I love May. My daughters seem to to. Mrs Williams." She introduced herself and pointed to her daughters. "This is my youngest Sabrina and my oldest Lauren."

"Pleasant to meet you." Joy smiled small.

"This is Connor, another one of Linda's take ins." I introduced the blu eyes boy and he shook Joy's hand. After everyone was introduced, conversations continued.

"This is a very nice house. How did you afford it?" Was the first thing Joy said to me.

"My art work is selling around the world, so I'm making a good amount of money." I explained and she purses her lips, obviously disappointed that it wasn't something bad.

"How have you been, May?"

"So, so happy. Happier than I've ever been." May gushed and I smiled at her.

"Really?" Joy raised her eyebrows.

"Completely. Everything I've ever wanted is now here." She answered immediately and I knew what she meant.

"That's good to hear. You're still young, so I'm glad that you've found happiness." Joy's words were tight.

"I've never been better." May glowed.

"I'm glad."


After several tense but simple conversations, dinner and dessert, May grabbed my arm, signaling she was ready. I kissed her head.

"Can everyone sit down for a moment?" My voice was shaky.

"Is everything alright?" Linda asked as everyone took their seats around the room. May and I stood on the first of two short steps that led into the living room, so we were slightly elevated. May grabbed my hand as Joy sat down as far in the back as she could.

"We have an announcement." I stated and May gripped my hand tighter.

"I'm pregnant." May cheered.

And that's when all hell broke loose.




Why is Brad being so active on social media? It's scary.


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