Chapter Ten

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Day 27

It's Thursday. Which means it's visiting day. May always comes on visiting days to see me. She wore a white sundress and her blonde hair was up in a neat bun. She was, of course, led by a staff member into the meeting room. Today she carried a bag with her, and it was defiantly inspected before I was allowed to have it.

"Hello, May." I greeted as the staff member helped her sit down across from me. I wish I could greet her with a hug. My chest tightened at the thought of her seeing me freak again...well hear me.

The staff member shut the door behind her as May opened the bag she held. She took out a something and I groaned happily at the sight of a doughnut. She took out a napkin and held it out to me by the edge, careful that our skin didn't make contact. I grabbed it from the other side and took it.

"Thank you." I appreciated as I put the sweet dough in my mouth. The food here is disgusting.

"Now, they said I couldn't bring you a drink, but you know, I'm not so thirsty and I have this big cup of iced coffee from Starbucks. Cant waste it." She tsked and held up the full, beautiful cup with chocolate against the sides.

"That's why you ask me what drink was my favorite-"

" don't like this drink." She put her delicate finger to her lips. "But you know I hate waste and I ate a big breakfast..." she smirked and nodded forward for me to take it.

I gratefully took it and finished it under a minute.

She obviously heard the empty cup hit the table because she laughed her beautiful laugh "You okay there?"

"I was thirsty" I laughed with her.

Did I just laugh?

"I also, brought something for you." She smiled and reached into her back, feeling around until she pulled out a book.

She ran her hands over the cover's raised bumps and nodded to herself.

As she slid it to me, I took a moment to appreciate her. She's such an incredible person who was cursed with something that she didn't deserve.

"This is a brail book. I know you said you wanted to learn a language. Well, this is sort of a language." May shrugged.

I told her that weeks ago.

"I would love to learn it." I told her and she smiled so widely my heart skipped.

She opened the book and pointed to the letter A after feeling it for herself, then moved it away so I could touch it.

I know I should've been looking at the book, but all I could do was look at her.

Her soft hair was also so perfect, and it complimented her strange eye color. Her eyes were something I loved to admire. The blue and green reminded me glass in a way. When she smiled, her straight, white teeth were a large contrast between her pink lips and the dimples in her rosy cheeks. Her nails were always a shade of white-ivory or bright- and complimented her golden rings. Her slightly suntanned skin was always so clear and makeup free. She didn't need that artificial beauty. When she wore her hair up, you could see the pearls she wore everyday.

"Bradley? You with me?" She questioned when I didn't hear her question.

"Yeah, sorry." I mumbled and looked back at the book reluctantly.


I stared up at the plain white ceiling, my arms cross over my stomach and my ankles crossed as I laid on the uncomfortable plastic bed.

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