Chapter Five

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I was laying on the small twin sized bed supplied Linda when I heard a light knock on the door.

"Bradley, someone's on the phone." Another kid Linda had taken in, Connor I believe his name was, looked in.

"Alright." I held out my hand and Connor was careful to not make skin contact, dropping the black object into my palm. "Thank you." I said softly and he nodded before leaving.


"Bradley, I need you to do me a favor." It was Richard.

"Um, okay." I was anxious.

"I need you in on the project."

"What? No. Why?" I ran my hand down my face in frustration.

"Because Eleanor is sick and can't. Please, it's just one meeting. You can lie about your fears all you want." He plead.

"Wait, who was her partner?" I sat up. If I'm correct...

"May is." He confirmed (a/n CONNORfirmed. *receives death threats*) my suspicion.

"Now I know you don't-"

"I'll do it." I interrupted him. Any chance to talk to her would be good. "Just somewhere public is all I ask."

"Wow..." he sounded truly surprised. "I'll tell her. Thank you so much Bradley. Remember, you can lie about your fears."

"You're welcome, Richard." I said softly before we bid our goodbyes and hung up. I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

I normally do this whenever I meet someone new. I try to be social, but it always ends in catastrophe and I never talk to them again. I wish I could call someone a friend, I wish what happened never did.

But the past is the past and today's today and there's things I can't control and that's one of them. (A/N brb while I throw a brick at my own face)

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I stayed like this for half an hour, my mind wandering into the future. But my fantasies of being able to make contact were interrupted by the phone ringing. I groaned as I rolled over and grabbed it.


"Bradley? It's May."

I sat up immediately and replied "Hey, May."

"Um...I heard you offered to be my partner as long as it's in a public place?" It sounded more as a question as if she didn't believe it.

"Yes, I did. Are you okay with it?" I bit on my lip.

"Yes, of course!" She replied quickly. "When and where do you want to meet?"

"Meet me at the park. Tomorrow at noon." I suggested but quickly added "If that works for you."

"Of course it does. I'm blind, I can't do anything anyways." She tried to find the humor in it and laughed. I didn't.

"Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow. Twelve. Bye, May."

"Good bye. Bradley." And with that she hung up the phone.




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