Chapter Twenty Five

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"Bradley stopped by, today." My mother said as we sat down for dinner as if this wasn't the biggest revaluation since sliced bread (A/N edvorilov IM SCREAMINF)

I dropped my fork. "What? Why?"

"I don't know. He asked for you when you where taking Taurus on his walk."

"You didn't tell him to wait?"

"May, sweetie, he looked like he was sick and the last thing we need is you being sick too, my love."

I shook my head in anger as I stood from the chair. "He's not sick mom! He's depressed! Just like I am!" I yelled and tapped my leg for Taurus to follow me to my room. He took the lead as usual and I slammed the door before sliding down in tears. Taurus nuzzled next to me, lying down and I tipped over to lay my head on his body and curled into a small ball.

I withered in pain. This pain wasn't the pain of my eyes or even depression.

This pain was guilt.

Guilt towards Bradley. I could have tried to come into contact with him, but I didn't. He couldn't been calling the house or coming everyday to see me, and I never would've known. The poor boy probably thought I hated him. Did he hate me?

"What am I gonna do, Taurus?" I mumbled into his fur before crying more.

So many tears had been shed since I met this boy four months ago. And I wouldn't change it for the world.

If my mother had never talked imma into this support group, I never would've met Bradley and my life wouldn't have took this drastic turn. I couldn't decide if this turn was good, or would be the end of me. I wanted it to be good, but counting the puddles of tears I had shed since I knew of his existence was undeniable.

He was a mess and I was the cloth used to clean him.


^ gr8 quote rose

Thanks rose

I think that irl Brad had a cult of lovers lmao sign me tf up


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