Chapter 50

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May kissed me about seven times from the passengers seat as I dropped her off at college. She continued to peck my lips and cheeks lovingly.

"I just can't kiss you enough today." She gushed as she continued her actions.

"Baby, it's the pregnancy hormones. You have to get to class." I explained with a laugh when she kissed my left cheek repeatedly and she pulled away pouting.

"I want more kisses when I get home." She grumbled before getting herself and Taurus out of the car. "I love you very, very much." May smiled adorably before shutting the door.

"You'll get more. I love you too." I called to her and drove away. I would normally stay ten minutes, but today, I had plans. I drove an hour and a half to the large, chain book store Barnes and Nobles before parking in the crowded lot.

I put my sunglasses atop my head as I walked through the automatic doors. I scolded myself for wearing just a maroon jumper and skinny jeans. It's freezing. I found the nearest worker, which happened to be an elderly lady.

"Excuse me?" I mumbled shyly and she turned around.

"Yes?" She smiled warmly. Definitely a grandmother.

"Where's the pregnancy and parenting books?"

Her face glowed "Follow me." She began walking down the long isles.

"Is your wife or girlfriend expecting? Or a volunteer?" The lady who's name tag read Jane asked.

"My girlfriend is." I confirmed happily.

"Oh lovely. How far is she?"

"About seven weeks. Not long." I laughed. 

"You look a little familiar..." she narrowed her eyes thinking before widening them and snapping her fingers. "You're Bradley Simpson!"

I smiled shyly. "That's me."

"Oh, dear god! I loved Mi hermoso océano! I couldn't pay for it with my whole soul but oh lord was it beautiful. That's your girlfriend right?"

I thought for a minute about the name of the piece before nodding, remember the image of May laughing with splashed water like markings around her, giving her an ocean halo. It means My Beautiful Ocean in Spanish. "Yeah, thats May."

"She's pregnant?" I nodded proudly, biting my bottom lip. "Congratulations!" she clapped.

Jane continued to talk about my art work while handing me books and putting others back once she found better ones. She said she wanted to buy Mi hermoso océano, but it was way above her price range and it had already been boughten when she decided it was worth it.

"Well, that's all the good ones about the babies." she handed me the bag of books after I paid at the nearly empty registers. "Words of advice, keep her happy at all times, foot rubs and baths are a blessing and give her whatever she wants to eat unless its toxic. I wish you the best of luck on this journey, Mr. Simpson and tell May congrats for me!"  

"I will and thanks again, Jane. Cheers." I smiled before walking out of the store, bags of books in my hands. I drove to the nearest vitamin shop and walked through the door.

I found the pregnancy section and scanned through the many bottles. May hates pills because she has to take them already for her nerves and thinks anything that isn't gummy and sweet is disgusting and should be burned in hell.

I found several bottles that had the things I was looking for, all saying first trimester. One boosted the immune system, another controlled hurtful cravings and another gave her the proper minerals she needed to keep the baby healthy. I picked up a few snickers for her so she wouldn't complain about the medication.

I paid a hefty amount of money and put everything in my car and drove next door to the mall. I walked into FYE, May's favorite store.

I went to the music section and skimmed through the albums. Several ones I knew, but others were boy bands that I assumed teen angers loved such as One Direction, some weird one called The Vamps (which the one in the center looked like a hobbit and the other on the end appeared to be a tree), and the sound track of Fault In Our Stars. (A/N KMSSSS I STGGGG)

I headed towards the Vinyls and saw they had Harry Styles and Ed Sheeran's new albums, which May has been wanting. I took them both off the shelf and made my way to the register.

The man behind the counter looked up from his phone and I paid for everything, walking out of the mall after. I preparing to go to the store for some food when I got a call.

I answered without looking. "Hello"

A shrill familiar voice answered "Bradley, were at the airport! Where are you?"

I dropped my phone.


"Appeared to be a tree" ahah tris the tree.


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