Chapter 56

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"SHE HAS TO BE OKAY!" I screamed about my unborn child, the fear of loosing her in the surgery prominent.

"We will try our hardest, May. Stay still." The doctor ordered and I felt the needle inject in my arm.

"My baby...must be safe..." I murmured before I became unconscious.


I tapped my foot, clasped hands against my mouth as I sat in the waiting room. It's been seven hours and I have no word on May or our baby's condition. My eyes are red and puffy, but my tears ran out about two hours ago. I called Joy and Linda and they said they would come later on, thought they were terrified.

After I filled out all the paper work, talked to doctors and signed release forms for them to preform her surgery, I just sat in a chair, unmoving. My eyes stared at the ground and nurses asked me if I wanted anything which I would shake my head once, then go back to my staring.

The emergency room started getting busier since it was the morning now because May's pain began at four am.

The waiting room had about twenty five people in it. A teenager who kept her eyes focused on me while her mother filled out work, elderly people, a few women and men with no visible injuries, and a man with a broken arm. I kept my hands against my mouth, elbows on my knees until I heard someone call me name.

"Mr Simpson!" A female nurse called solemnly and I felt like I was going to die by her tone.

I stood up and practically ran to her anyways with eyes following me.

"Is May okay? Is our baby okay?" I pressured with heavy breaths, my eyes searching the woman's cautious face.

"Mr Simpson, May is okay and her nerves are reattached...she's asleep still."

"Thank god." I breathed out and ran my hands over my face. "How's my baby?"

She swallowed and avoided eye contact. "Anesthesia is a very strong drug and unless there is a fully functional immune system, it can harm the body."

My heart stopped. "What are you saying?" I whispered.

"I'm very sorry Mr Simpson...but your daughter didn't survive the surgery. May had a miscarriage." She said sympathetically and my world stopped.

I stumbled backwards as my breathing increased and everything around me because a blue. I started heaving, gasping for air as it felt like my throats was being constricted by a tight grasp.

I fell the the floor, my balance failing me. Imogen can't be gone. She can't...I've waited so long for this to be gone with a cruel joke.

"She's six months along. How can she have a miscarriage?!" I started up at the nurse with my voice being just gasps, eyes clouded with hot tears. I knew everyone's eyes were on me.

"The baby didn't have a fully developed immune system, Bradley. We tried to force May into labor but her body refused because it knew she wasn't ready. We need consent to do a C section and by that time, the baby was far gone. I'm so sorry." I fell forward onto my hands and knees as I squeezed the tears out of my eyes.

"Does May know?" I whispered shakily.

"We figured you should tell her." She responded quietly. "We'll call you when she wakes up. I'm sorry for your loss." She said for what seemed like the tenth time before walking away.

I stood up and ran outside the building. I stopped in the center of the sidewalk as people stared curiously at me and fell down onto my knees, my face in my hands.

I'm done. I'm done trying for the perfect life. All she asked for was a family! That's all May ever wanted in this world. Everything we've been through and we found our happiness together, just for it to lead to constant catastrophe. The world is just one, big, cruel joke.

I looked at the sky wth my puffy eyes. "Are you happy?" I whispered, thinking whoever set this upon us could be listening. "Is this what you want? Pain? Our pain?" I closed my eyes as I began crying again.

Right when I become happy, it's taken away from me in one harsh tug that leaves me on the ground, destroyed beyond repair.

I lost my child.


Y'all knew it was too good to be true when the story was happy for a few chapters.

Hope I made ya cry :D

Kong gaming dmed choke on joe (lit af Instagram gc) twice in ten minutes and we literally all died.


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