Chapter 46

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TiMe jUmP *jumps into Bradley's pants*


I rolled off of May as we both breathed heavily. I put my hand thru my sweaty hair as she put her hand on my bare chest. I groaned.

"I'm NEVER doing couples yoga again." I complained. (A/N gotcha hoes ;p)

"Oh come on! It wasn't that bad!" May giggled and stood up to turn off the TV, feeling for the brail button, which still played the energetic lady and her bored looking husband.

"Being on top of you wasn't bad. But that ladies voice was making me want to die." I whined and May rolled her eyes. I'm so proud of her. She's done so much better with the therapy these past two months and she knows it. She's been using it all she wants...which will be my downfall with the eye rolls.

"We should get our own place." I muttered and she stopped in her tracks.


"We should get our own place, May. We don't have to worry about anyone else." I explained and stood up.


"I still have that million..." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her from behind and placed a kiss on her shoulder gently.

"Where would we go?"

"Sunapee." I answered immediately.

"Bradley...thats a rich town. We can't afford that!"

"Here is more, my love." I said softly into her ear.

"I'm guessing you found one?" She giggled as I moved her hair aside.

"Beautiful one too." I chuckled. "Three bedrooms." I kissed her shoulder three times. "Three bathrooms." Her neck three times. "Several living area." I pressed multiple kisses to her neck and shoulder as she laughed. "And a perfect setting for families." I turned her around and kissed her lips.

She gasped. "Families? Like not just you and me?" She couldn't hide her smile.

"Whatever you want, you will have. You want children, you'll get children." I vowed and she hugged me tightly.

"I wanna go now!" She jumped up and down excitedly and I rolled my eyes, laughing at her while she tugged my arm impatiently.

"We can set up a meeting for tomorrow." I promised and kissed her nose when she pouted.


I went to kiss her nose again but quickly moved my lips to hit hers. She giggled and kissed me back. I belt her hands trail down my wet shirt before I grabbed her hands. She pulled away, looking confused.

"Why don't we wait till we have the house to make a baby, hmm?" I laughed and she blushed.

I may be only twenty two and her twenty, but over these last two years almost, I feel like we've matured together. I keep us stable with my art work-which is selling faster than I can draw- and May is busy in college.

Yup. My May is in college. She goes to the college in our town, CS College - award winning and impressive- and is studying to become a teacher. She wanted to teach little kids, but she decided that if she were to ever have children, she wouldn't want the dream ruined by her job. So, she's studying middle and high school.

"First night there we are trying." She warned jokingly before kissing me once more. "I'm going to go pack." She nodded to herself and I laughed lightly.

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