Chapter 55

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Ya'll aren't ready lmao


It was last night when we got a call from Joy. She apologized and said she will try to be as supportive as possible of our decision and the baby's life. May was so happy.

"I like Willow." I whined as my hand rested on the bottom of May's six month bump. (A/N google 6 months if you want to see how big she is)

"I don't like it. It sounds too sad. I want a happy baby." May hummed as I continued to scroll through the laptop. A meaning caught my eye and I said the name out loud.

"Imogen." May furrowed her eyebrows before I elaborated "It means Beloved Child."

"Imogen..." May mumbled before a smile slowly rose to her face and she nodded. "Imogen." She patted her stomach. "You're name is Imogen, my beloved child." May giggled and I shut my laptop and leaned over to kiss her stomach.

"I cant wait till you're here. I love you so much." I whispered to the baby then kissed May's cheek.


I was soundly sleeping when I woke up to a piercing scream. I covered my ears and turned to May.

"My eyes!" She cried and I knew what was happening. Exactly what happened when she was hospitalized the first time. Her nerves.

I didn't even put on shoes as I picked a screaming May up off the bed, grabbed my eyes and ran to the car, laying her gently in the backseat before running to the front.


I brought my hand back as I paid attention to the road and she gripped my hand as she screamed.

"It's hurts, Bradley!"

I felt the familiar sting of tears in my eyes. "I know, baby. Hold on, we're almost there." I encouraged as I went sixty in a thirty zone.

I whipped into a parking spot and ran out of the car in just plaid pajama pants and a black T-shirt. I grabbed May from the backseat. One arm was over her eyes while the other was over her stomach, protecting Imogen. All eyes were on us as I brought May into the ER, screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Is she going into labor?!" The nurse behind the desk panicked.

"She-her-nerves-blind." I couldn't form a sentence.

"Sir slowdown. Wheelchair!"

"She is blind. Optical nerve threading and detachment." I explained in a shaky voice. I placed her in the wheelchair as she continued to yell, all eyes on us and she squeezed my hand. I'm pretty sure the bones were breaking but I don't care.

"How far along is she?" The nurse asked as people gathered around May, opening her eyes and  feeling her stomach.

"She's six months. Please, I cant loose them." I begged.

After everything I've been through in my life, May and Imogen were my saving grace. Whenever I thought about me being a father to her, I thought about a little girl looking like May and running around the yard with her, playing princesses. She would be laughing and I would be the happiest person in the world. They were all I needed in my life and I can't afford to loose either of them.

"We need to bring her into surgery." A doctor said that was tending to May.

"Bradley, she has to be safe!" May screeched out.

"May, you're going into surgery. They're going to try and fix you. I love you."

"I love-" she was interrupted by her own scream and they wheeled her off, leaving me to tug my hair.


I hope the baby's okay


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