Chapter Fifteen

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"I'm going to scream." I grumbled angry, tiny two year old voice an octave lower than usual.

"Why?" I heard a voice ask from behind me. It was soft and pretty sounding so I turned.

"Who are you?" I raised my eyebrows at the girl. She was tan and a little taller than me with black hair that reached her shoulders and bright green eyes.

"I'll tell you once you tell me why you wanna scream." She bargained and played with the yellow strap of her flowery dress.

I sighed. "I do t wanna be in daycare. It's stupid."

Her eyes widened. "That's a bad word"

I smiled. "It's silly."

She laughed. "You earned to know my name."

"What is it?" I was always curious.

She then said with a smile...



I woke up screaming loudly.

"It hurts!" I screamed so loud my ears felt like bleeding.

I heard the door fly open, smacking against the wall behind it. My mom's hands were frantic as she held my face.

"Not again." She whispered horrified and I knew immediately what had happened.

My optic nerves were splitting.



We got the call at one thirty two in the morning.

All I heard was her name in Linda's frantic voice for me to know something was wrong. I got out of bed and ran to the door full speed.

"What happened?" I almost screamed.

Linda was shocked to see me out of my room, since I hadn't left it for three weeks.

"May is in surgery..." she gulped as she looked at her feet. "She was yelling for you in the ambulance."

"Su...Am..." I couldn't form words as my eyes began watering. "Take me to her." I finally choked out and she immediately got her keys.


The ten minute ride seemed to be ten days.

She was in surgery. Had she hurt herself? Did something happen when she was walking without Taurus? Was she going to live?

As soon as the car stopped, I was running to the ER holing area and saw Joy.

"Joy!" I called and she looked up, her usually happy eyes were red and puffy.

"Bradley..." she murmured and I was thankful when Linda hugged her in place of myself.

"What happened?" I got the courage to ask and sat in a car across from the both of them.

"Well, nothing really new. Her optic nerves got split which is common for her, maybe four times a year. It's extremely painful, usually caused by stress, and she has to get them back together when it happens. The surgery isn't invasive but I always worry for her"

Stressed? Was she stressed because of me? Or was it something else?

The optic nerves were what held your eyes to your brain, I remembered from health class. I swallowed sickly at the thought of the pain she feels.

"Bradley, you look a little pale. Are you feeling alright?" Linda asked.

"I feel a little sick, actually." I mumbled before running to the bathroom.

After getting sick two times, I sat in the bathroom till an impatient knock was on the door. I swung it open to reveal a relieved looking Joy.

"She's out of surgery." She breathed.

"Can I talk to her?"

"Bradley, it's best to go home." Linda mumbled. "You can see her when she gets back home."


"She's okay. Go home and get some sleep." Joy smiled warmly. "You look like you need it."

I nodded in defeat as we exited the hospital.


I cant wait for chapter 30 holy shit


It has a lot of meaning to it

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It has a lot of meaning to it. If you look closely at the iris, you can see a girl kissing a boys nose and her hair covers the left side. This eye is meant to be hers, as you can tell by the 'glass' color (also I made it to look like glass) Bradley described before. The dots are brail. It means "I Love You" and with the added infinity sign, it means "I love you Forever" and it has a great part in the actual reading later on. I thought I was being pretty creative lol


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