Chapter Twenty Three

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It's been a year since I've talked to my mother. Not a single phone call, email or text. Just complete ignorance. I've attempted to call her, left messages on my progress, but she's never answered any of them.

I picked up the phone, knowing I needed her more than ever.

I dialed the long distance number and of course it went to voice mail.

"Mum, it's Bradley. I know you know that but I want to tell you something. I met a girl four months ago. Her name is May. She's different than anyone I've ever met. But I messed up. She made me feel better and now it's all gone because of me." I began to cry. "I need you mum. I need you." My breath hitched before
I hung up the phone and began crying at the realization that I admitted so much to someone who won't even answer my calls.

Why do I always have to cry?

But then, the phone rang and I picked it up immediately.

"Hello..." I said nervously and sat up in my bed.

"Bradley?" It was my mother.

"Yes mum, it's me." I sighed in relief.

"What makes her different? Can you touch her? Can she touch you? How old is-"

"Calm down." I had a serious expression as I began to answer, "I can't touch her and she can't touch me. She's eighteen."

"Tell me more!" She gushed and I felt a twinge of sadness. My mother was interested in a girl but not about me.

"Her name is Mayella. She was born in New Hampshire but moved here when she was a few months old. She was a dancer, her favorite color is blue, she's extremely picky with her food, she hates sea food, and she doesn't eat chicken because she had them when she was little. She's unbelievably beautiful."

"What does she think of you?"

My pain began again. "She visited me every meeting day when I was in the hospital receiving treatment."

"She knows?!" She gasped.

I grit my teeth at her tone. "She knows everything that happened. She's also traumatized. We met in group."

"What happened to her?" My mum whispered.

"She was in an attack when she was eleven and it killed her best friend..." I thought a sec me before finishing "And left her completely blind."

"Oh, my." She sounded pitiful.

"She made me feel whole again and I smiled and even made eye contact with Linda." I explained.

"What does she look like?"

"She has the prettiest eyes. They're green and blue and remind me of sea glass. She can't move them, but once she did when we were having a conversation. Oh, the way she lit up when I told her." I smiled at the memory as laid back down. "She has blonde hair and it reminds me of a halo for some reason. It's pretty long and I wish I could touch it. Her skin is always glowing with radiance and reminds me of sunshine. Her laugh kind of reminds me of music. It's beautiful. She smiles a lot and it's so bright and brilliant and perfect. Even her name is gorgeous. May. Such-"

"I know what's happening." My mum almost giggled through the whole.

"What?" I was confused.

"You're in-"

"I am not so don't bother finishing that sentence." I interrupted too fast. "I care about her but not to that extent."

"Whatever you say." She sighed. "How'd you ruin it?"

My face paled. "I can't give her what she needs." I said softly.

"And what is that?"

"Someone to care for her and help her around the house and I can't touch her. How would I ever be able to be there for-"

"Bradley." She interrupted. "What did you do?"

"I never talked to her again after her mother said she believes May has feelings for me."

"Bradley William Simpson!" She scolded.

"I'm sorry. But she doesn't have any feelings for me...just two weeks after I left, she was fine while I was actually vomiting with guilt and pain. I didn't sleep or eat. I still barely do. She hasn't even tried to talk to me. Her mum says she's doing well and that she's happy."

"Are you happy?" She asked cautiously.

I thought for a moment. "I'm not." I answered.

"Do something about it. Try to talk to her. Go to her house and see her. She'll appreciate it."

"Thank you, mum. Can you answer me more? I miss you."

"I will try." She whispered before hanging up.



My hair is purple atm haha

My hair is purple atm haha

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