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*Present Tense*

*Five Years Later*

"PUSH!" I encourage May.




"YOU COULD AS LEAST HELP ME, YOU EL OH SA" she says through gritted teeth as she grabs the groceries out of the car. El oh sa is our way of saying 'asshole'. It's backwards.

"I've been taking care of your 'sa' for years." I defend with a smirk.

She glares those beautiful blue eyes at me.

When May drowned, I gave her CPR. I had decided enough was enough and that I wanted her back and went home to America. I saw what she had done, and saved her. But, I guess nearly dying gave her a positive. The doctors said that they've never seen anything like it before, but May can see now. She wear's glasses because distance is very blurry, but she can see. 

And everything changed when she got her sight back. 

"Mom! Preston took my Barbie!"

"Did not, Peyton!" 


A year after she could see, May popped out twins. Peyton Rain and Preston Rain Simpson. We put their middle names as Rain in remembrance of Imogen. There's always a rainbow after any storm.

They're weird kids...and identical. Both brown, curly hair. Both blue eyes. Both are pale in the winter and tan in the summer. Both have most of May's features, though people say they look more like me. Peyton is as girly as it gets and Preston will definite be a jock. No doubt.

Last Christmas, Peyton came up to me one night before bed and climbed up next to me.

"Hey, daddy." she smiled that evil 'if I look cute you'll get me what I want' smile.

"How much is wallet going to loose?" I sighed.

"Well, I have a list for Santa, and one for you. I don't think Santa can get some of these, but you know...you can!"

"Give it here." I held out my hand.

The list was almost as long as my arm and held a Barbie four wheeler she'd seen a commercial while watching her cartoons, Harry Styles tickets,  a whole new wardrobe and a ice cream maker, for examples.

I'm a pushover so she got everything. 

Preston is the one who goes around the house chanting. Literally chanting. His go-to chant is the one from Finding Nemo in the fish tank scene, but he also makes up his own. Some include destroying his sisters toys, how much he hates preschool and his own remake of Uptown Funk that somehow is about chicken nuggets...which he never stops eating. It's all he eats. He won't touch anything other than milk and chicken nuggets. I've offered that kid ice cream sundaes at one in the morning and he asks for his stupid chicken. 

They're great kids though. I love them and May more than the world.

The kids know about our pasts. They don't know the gory details. But we did tell them somethings.

"Mommy was with bad guys one time and they died, but she got hurt. Her eyes shut off." May would explain.

"Will my eyes shut off, too?" was all they would say.

"A mean girl hurt daddy and daddy couldn't hug mommy or grandma for a very long time." I tell them.

"Will I meet a mean girl?"

"Hopefully not this mean." I would respond quietly.

"Preston Rain Simpson, give Peyton her doll, now." May orders and immediately Preston pulls out the blonde figure from under his blue t-shirt. She can be scary at times. 

"Good boy." she smiles and walks into the house. I shut the door and she puts the groceries away in the kitchen. 

I pull her away from the counter once she's done and hug her to my body, my face in her hair.

"Do you know what I noticed?" she says against my chest. I pull away to see her, but have still hugging.


"It's weird...all our troubles have happened in May." I think back and notice, she's correct.

I kiss her lips.

"I guess its just our fall in may."


T H E    E N D

Been a gr9 ride ya'll.

Love you.


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