Chapter 41

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She looked incredible.

Her royal blue dress was gorgeous again her tan skin and fit her petite figure until her hips, where it fanned out to her knees. She was scared to wear shorts and Converse, due to he fact of the botched skin graph across her ankle. I found it unique and it was in the shape of a moon almost. I had to attempt to curl her hair, due to her mother still not talking to her. I did a pretty decent job, I thought. She told me I did pretty well for my first time doing hair. I originally tried to braid her hair. That was funny and only ended in catastrophe. I helped her shave as usual and pick out her outfit.

She was running around the studio, Taurus leading her around to fix all my drawings and paintings. She wanted this art show to be incredible for me and was frantic to make everything perfect. She even bought an eighty dollar wine box because 'fancy people like wine'.

"Did you get the glasses and cards placed? We don't want anything too cheap or too expensive, Carmella." She questioned sternly to the seller. She had attempted to come onto me several times since we hired her, but May didn't know that. What was the point when I declined her every single time, saying May was the one for me.

"Yes, May. I got everything set up this morning."

"Okay, they should be arriving in five minutes." May let out an anxious breath and she called out "Direction!" And I called her name. She smiled and made her way to me.

She wrapped her tiny arms around my body and I repeated the gesture to her. She sighed happily and snuggled her head closer into me. I could practically hear Carmella's jealousy.

"This is incredible." I complimented as I stared around the glowing write room.

"I try." She laughed and I kissed her head.

"I love you." I mumbled against her hair.

"And I you. Are you nervous?"

"A little bit. I want to be good. What if they think I'm bad?"

"The worst they can do is words." May whispered and placed a small kiss to my shoulder before pulling away.

She felt around my chest to make sure my clothing was fine. I wore things simple as usual, just a bit dressier. I wore a white dress shirt and had some of the top buttons undone to the middle of my chest. I had gained a little more confidence since being with May. I wore my usual black skinny jeans and a pair of black Doc Martens. May had made me actually do my hair, which left my forehead more visible with it styled up in the front. I think May said I felt like I looked amazing, but I was too busy staring at her to think if I heard her properly.

"Can you believe we've been together for a year?" I breathed out as her hand dropped.

Yes. In fact, today was our one year anniversary. May said this was my gift from her, and I was more than thankful.

"Well, what do you want to do after this? I mean, it will be about like ten, but I think some restaurants are still open. Go out to dinner maybe?" She suggested.

I've been thinking of a thing lately, but I'm still unsure if I'm ready for this huge step in our relationship. I want to, but I'm unsure of how I'll react...or if she'll want to. I know she has tried before, but I'm still worried about it. What if she's changed her mind?

I gulped and grabbed her hands, intertwining our fingers and stared at them as I spoke. "I was thinking...maybe I'm ready." She sucked in a sharp breath. "Only if you want to, maybe we could. After." I added quickly.

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