Chapter 2

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As confused as I was, I walked out of the training room and to the kitchen. Noon and I haven't had anything to eat. I could and would eat anything right now! Well as long as Izzy didn't cook it. I walk into the kitchen and saw I bowl with fruit in it sitting on the table. I picked up an apple and took a bite out of it. Walking out of the kitchen I heard my parents talking in another room. Being the 'ninja' that I am, Becca calls me one all the time, I put my ear to the door and listened.

"Sarah says Carter. Becca says Jacob. I say carter. And you say Jacob. Tomorrow it'll be opposite again!" Jace said.

"Jace! I don't care what we name him! I want the girls to be happy! They're the ones who are going to have to deal with him! Plus, we have to go see Magnus later so he can check! What are we going to tell the girls?" Clary shouted.

"Listen what if we can convince them that we're going to get them their birthday present, which isn't fully a lie, we can go see Magnus and have him check up," Jace said.

"Okay fine."

I was confused. I started to walk away from the door. Thoughts ran thru my head like a river. What were my parents talking about? I had a hunch. My thoughts of what they were talking about we're 1) we're finally getting a dog. 2) I was getting a little brother. 3) why would my parents not tell us if it was option 2. 4) where in the world was Becca? 5) when were we leaving for Idris 6) how in the world are oranges and clementines precut by nature. 7) my moms pregnant. 8) my moms pregnant. 9) MY MOM IS FREAKING PREGNANT! Okay yes I will admit thought number 6 was weird and came out of no where but have you ever just wondered how they're precut? I sat down on the edge of my bed. Anyway it made sense now that I had figured it out. Clary's random mood swings! Her craving for something sweet all the time! Ah! I'm a shadowhunter shouldn't I notice this stuff earlier? Okay calm down. Now all I needed to figure out was how long. I flopped down on my back and store up at the ceiling. The cravings started 3 months ago. Mood swing about 4. My best guess was about 4 months. Was I wrong? Probably. I heard a knock at my door and bolted up. I walked over to my door and pulled it open. In the door way stood Church with a rose in his mouth and a note attached to it. I pulled the rose and note away from Church and watched as he scampered away. I flipped up the note.

Meet me in the Green House in 5 minutes. Happy birthday Sarah. - A.L.

Adam Lewis. Simon and Izzy's kid. Turned 15 last month. I guess you could say he was cute. He was a little shorter for kids our age maybe about 6' 1". He had black Hair that he got from Izzy and was tall and muscular like Simon. He liked me and I liked him but sometimes he could just annoy to no end. I smiled as I read the note. I kicked off my Nikes and put on a pair of Bearpaw light brown boots instead. I put on a light sea green and sky blue flannel shirt instead of tank and leather jacket. I put my hair down to brush it but put it quickly in a side pony. I walked out of my room and noticed a coffee cup sitting on the table next to my room. Not just any coffee cup though. A Caribou Coffee cup. I picked it up. Milk Chocolate Hot Chocolate. My favorite. I looked at the card next to it.

I'm watching you sis, no more pranks... For today... Now go meet Adam before he thinks you died or something. - Bec

How did she know about Adam? Well something's we might never know the answer to.

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