Chapter 32

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Jason's POV

Three days later I was sitting in Sebastian's apartment in Sarah's room. I sat next to the bed praying that when or if she woke up that she would trust me. I watched slowly as her head moved to the side and her eyes flew open. She sat up breathing heavy and looked over at me.

"Jason!" She shouted as she threw her arms around my neck. Thank god. Although I was sad that she didn't trust me before. I hugged her back thanking god or whoever is up there that she was okay.

"Sarah... Do you remember anything?" I asked hoping that the rune didn't work on her.

"Yea I think I do. I only trust you and Sebastian. My parents beat me and my sister always hated me. This guy Adam tried to rape me and all my friends hate me as well," she answered looking up at me. The worst part was she wasn't lying.

Clary? I thought.

JASON! Oh thank Raziel! Is she awake?

Yes but she thinks you and Jace beat her Adam tried to rape her and no one loves her but Sebastian and I.

Oh no... That's the exact same way I was. Listen you need to get her out of there.

But I don't have enough information about his plan yet! I can't leave yet.

Jason you need to get her out of there, now.

If I try to get we out o here she'll freak out when she sees you guys and will only trust Sebastian.

Okay.... Stay there as long as you need but keep her and yourself safe. Sebastian is evil and I don't want you to believe anything he says.

Got it. Have you told anyone where we are yet?

Nope everyone thinks you're in Idris for the best of the best shadowhunters tournament.

You made that up didn't you?

Yes... I'll tell them soon but I have to go now. Good luck.

And she was gone.

"Hey Sar why don't you get some different cloths on and we can go see Sebastian."


Clary's POV

Isabelle and I needed to tell everyone where Sarah and Jason are soon but we don't know how! We are sitting in the kitchen at the table just thinking of how to tell everyone.

"How?" I asked.

"We could jut go out and say it?" She answered. Suddenly Bre walked into the room.

"I know where Jason and Sarah are," she said fast. What?

Bre's POV


I was leaning against the wall of the training room flipping a knife into the air and catching it. Becca and Kelsi were sitting on the floor talking, Adam and Bryce were playing rock paper scissors and Jace and Alec were pacing around the room.

"I wonder where they are?" I said breaking the silence.

"I don't know!" Jace shouted. I rolled my eyes.

"I need to pee," I stated for no reason and walked out of the room. As I was walking to the bathroom I heard shouting in the infirmary and Jason run out. I hid behind a pilar. A few minutes later he was back carrying two backpacks. What? I ran as close as I could to the infirmary.

"What's your plan Jason?" Clary asked Jason.

"I'm going to take Sarah and we are going to go to Sebastian. I can be your spy but I know none of us want her there alone," he answered. He picked up Sarah's arm an quickly drew a glamorous on it. He picked her up bridal style and had both of our backpacks over one shoulder. "Clary can you make a portal for me?"

"Of course." She quickly made a portal and looked back to Jason. "Whatever you do, please keep my daughter safe but keep yourself safe too. Good luck and keep in touch. I'll contact you everyday if I have to. Good luck and good bye." Then Jason stepped through the portal.

Back to present.

Yes I did know but how was I supposed to tell them? They all thought that Sarah and Jason were in Idris for the best of the best shadowhunters competition, which doesn't even exist! Ugh! I stormed into the kitchen where I found Clary and Izzy sitting at the table.

"I know where Sarah and Jason are!" I blurted out quickly. My hands shoot to my mouth. Crap!

"What?" Clary asked.

"I know that Jason took Sarah to Sebastian and I know the only reason is because Sebastian mode it so she only trust the people that she normally doesn't." I answered.

"Okay. How do you know about this?" Izzy asked.

"I saw Jason running in and out of the infirmary..." I answered.

"Okay well now we have to tell everyone else if she knows they should all know. We can't keep it a secret forever," Clary stated standing up. Izzy and I did the same. We walked into the library where everyone was sitting around talked. Clary cleared her throat and everyone shut up. She ran the institute here just like her great grandmother ran the institute in England. Pretty cool huh?

"I have something to tell you all," she said confidently.

"Dear god mom if you're pregnant again I'm going to scream. It's enough you have Sarah, Carter, Jacob, and I but do you really need five kids? And other Herondale for that matter!" Becca asked getting a laugh from everyone in the room but the three of us.

"I'm not pregnant again. It's about Sarah and Jason. They've... Well... They... Uh..."

"WearenotsureiftheyarecomingbackbecausesebastianputaruneonSarahmakinghertrustpeopleshedidnttrustandpeopleshedidtrustshenowhates!" I said all in one breath.

"What? I didn't catch any of that? Can you slow down?" Naomi asked. I took a deep breath.

"We are not sure if they are coming back because Sebastian put a rune on Sarah making her trust the people she didn't trust and the people the did trust she now hates," I said slowly.

"What?!" Adam jumped out of his chair.


"I- I don't understand."

"Listen, Sebastian drew the same rune on Sarah that he drew on me 16 years ago. It made me trust people I normally wouldn't and not trust people that I normally would. It's a rune I created but there is only one way to get her to snap out of it and its a way I'm not willing to do," Clary said.

"What's the way?" Becca asked.

"She has to watch someone that she loves die."

Jason's POV

I walked out into the living room of our apartment and over to the small window to see where we were. Paris. The city of love and memories. God where was Becca when I needed her? I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I spun around to see Sarah standing at the bottom of the stairs. She looked beautiful. She was wearing a pair of white skinny jeans, a sea green ruffled tank top, a pair of sea green converse. Her hair was curled and a small section of her hair was sea green colored. She must've found the hair chalk Sebastian bought her. She had on a infinity bracelet and an infinity diamond ring. She was wearing a pair of small dangling earrings. She was also wearing the neckless Adam gave her? What?

"Take a picture it lasts longer," she giggled. That's when I realized a was staring at her. I blinked and looked away one thought running thought my head, why was she wearing Adams neckless?

"Sarah? Do you know who gave you that neckless?" I asked.

"Of course I do," he answered.



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