Chapter 35

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Sarah's POV

"Sarah!" My parents shouted as we ran into the infirmary. Becca's lifeless body was being carried by Jason who looked like he was about to cry.

"Jason put her down," I said as he put her on the bed I was pointing to. I pulled off her have and her black shirt was covered in blood. "Shit. Jason! Go get the freaking scissors!" I shouted. Seconds later I felt a pair of scissors in my hand. Trust me I felt weird doing this but it was the only way Becca was going to live. I cut open her shirt and looked at where the knife had went into the chest. A little under the heart. I put my hand over the wound so it covered about three inches above it.

"Sarah what are you do?" Adam asked. I ignored him. I mumbled something under my breath and closed my eyes.

"Sarah!?" Jace shouted and I still ignore him. My mind went free and I suddenly felt a pain in my chest. I opened my eyes and looked at Becca's wound. It was healing. Thank you Tessa, I thought. No problem girlie now you have to go kill Umbra Mali, she answered and yes I can talk to her. She sometimes helps me with my abilities and can make me have her powers.

"Okay start talking Sarah what is going on?!" Jace shouted at me.

"Jason we have to go now," I said ignoring Jace's question and grabbing my jacket and my bow and arrows.

"No you aren't going anywhere until you tell us what's going on," Simon stated as he threw me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I shouted as I kneed him in the gut. He dropped me and I flipped him. I stood up and turned around to see my family looking at me terrified. I stopped and realized something.

You can't escape me Herondale. I will always be apart of you. Umbra Mali voice rang in my head. I turned around and ran.

"Sarah wait!" I heard Jason shouting after. I didn't slow down. I saw someone in front of me and I knew it was Jace he was faster than me but I still didn't stop. I rammed right into him and he grabbed me and he hugged me. I started to cry my heart out.

"Umbra Mali possessed you when you were born and there was no way we could get her out of you. Tessa imprinted on you to keep Jenraxte from taking over your mind. Obviously she still found a way to get into your mind," he said stroking my hair, trying to get me to calm down.

"She's not in me anymore dad. Somehow she got out of me," I said still crying.

"I know I just never thought I'd see the day where we'd have to kill her. She unstoppable."

"No, there's one way to kill her."

"We aren't doing that. I'm not loosing you."

"What if its the only way?"

"There has to be another way."

"There isn't another way dad," I stated as I pulled away and ran towards the infirmary. I ran to Simon who was now standing up and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry!" I shouted into his chest.

"Sar it's okay. Umbra Mali just got to you. Okay I honestly hate her name in calling her Keira from now on," Simon stated getting me to laugh, one of his many talents. I pulled away from Simon and looked at my friends, Adam was staring at me. I looked at Becca's motionless body on the bed. My eyes shot to Jason and he nodded. I shook my head.

"I'm not telling them! I just found out!" He protested.

"Well if I tell them they'll think I'm lying!" I answered.

"Say it at the same time?" He asked.

"No it's your problem not mine!"

"But you've known for longer.

"Yea and I was also beat for letting you go when I could've let him to you yourself. But no I did what I knew was right and let you not have to get in trouble with your freaking fath-SEBASTIAN!" I shouted before I could say father.

"Your what?" Kelsi asked. I looked at Jason.

"You said it you have to say it!" I pointed to me. I glared at him.

"Sebastian is um-"

"Sebastian is my father!" Jason interrupted me. Thank Raziel he did. Everyone stood stunned but not as much as I was before the words I never thought would slip out of my mouth did.

"And Kelsi is his daughter!" My hands clamped over my mouth as they slipped out.

"What?!" Jason and Kelsi shouted at the same time.

"You learn a lot when your being tortured and beat and constantly asking him 'why don't you tell me the truth' or 'what's so special about so and so' you get a lot out of someone," I stated trying to sound innocent. They just looked at me when I realized how big of a bomb I had just dropped on them.


So for those of you who have read up to this point I changed the demon that was Sarah's other half. Umbra Mali means shadow of evil in Latin and I felt that was a better name than Jenraxte because Sarah has always had a shadow of evil over her... It just seemed fitting. So yea later. ~ Read on

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