Chapter 19

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Becca's POV

As soon as Sebastian had showed up he disappeared. Did I understand why? Nope! It freaked us all out though and after going through the institute right times we realized nothing had been stolen and we were all safe. As we walked back into the library a portal opened. It was about 11:37 pm and the adults had just gotten back from trying to find Sarah. As they walked through the portal we realized Sarah wasn't there. I broke down crying right there I fell into Jace's arms and just cried as he held me up.

"It's okay. It's okay we'll find her," he whispered reassuringly in my ear. Suddenly another portal opened but everyone was to focused on me to even care who it was.

"Woah. Okay Becca is crying why isn't anyone taking a picture of this?" I heard a voice say. I turned to see Sarah.

Sarah's POV

I couldn't help myself. Becca doesn't cry so I said, "woah. Okay Becca is crying why isn't anyone taking a picture of this?" Her head whipped around as she stared me down. In less then a second I was engulfed in a huge hug. Bre was still behind me and suddenly I heard Kelsi shout her name. Before I knew it those two were hugging like no tomorrow and Kelsi was crying. I let go of Becca.

"I never thought I'd see you again!" Kelsi cried.

"I never thought I'd see you again! By the Angel are you really here?" Bre said as she tried to stay strong, she was failing miserably.

"Of course I am!"

"I'm so confused," I whispered to Becca who was just as confused I was. Bre and Kelsi stopped hugging and looked at us.

"I never told you? BTA I never told you! Bre is my parabatai! I've been her parabatai since we were 12 but I lost her in a fight against a bunch of vampires."

"Yea um Sebastian somehow used some of my power and is now powerful and walking again so what do we do?" I asked.

"Wait! Don't you think you should tell them what you did back at the warehouse?" Bre interjected.

"No. I want to talk to Magnus about that first," I answered.

"Talk to me about what?" Magnus said walking into the library. I grabbed his hand and we both walked out of the library. I pulled him into the kitchen.

"Okay so you know how I'm able to raise demon?"

"Yes? Why?"

"Because somehow I raised pane tonight."

He looked at me stunned then finally said,"how?"

"I don't know I got really angry and I just let the anger like take over my mind and it kind of just happened."

"Okay that just means that your powers are growing stronger and that you need to learn to use them. Has Will talked to you at all lately?"

"Yea yesterday. He said the only way to train me to use my powers was when I was asleep."

"Well that's normal. Will is the best trainer out there at the time even if he is dead. I know it's strange that he's dead but be was married to a warlock and that's okay. He's your great grandpa and he is-"

"Okay Magnus yea I get it. We should go back out there."

"Huh fine." He said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we walked back to the library. I sat down in a chair next to Adam.

"So tell us everything that happened to you," Jace said sitting across from me. I took a breath in and told them everything.

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