Chapter 37

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Sarah's POV

We walked to the same warehouse that we were in earlier today. I knew Umbra Mali was in there she told me once when had made my decision I knew where to find her.

"Why are we going back to the same place as earlier?" Kelsi asked. I didn't answer. I swung open the only door and waltzed right in. Sebastian and Kiera were standing around waiting.

"'Bout time you showed up, tell me how's your sister doing? Is she dead yet?" Kiera's words were like venom.

"No, she's alive," I answered.

"I see you brought my children," Sebastian stated. The three of us stood in silence.

Finally I spoke up, "I did. What does it matter to you?"

"Oh I don't know maybe it's just the fact that they have to watch you die," Kiera said. I stood shocked.

"What is she talking about Sarah?" Jason asked me.

"I'm sorry you guys have to be here, but the only way out of here for me is death. If I kill myself than Kiera will die along with me," I said with no emotion in my voice at all.

"Sarah why didn't you tell us? We could've done something to stop this!"Kelsi shouted as I took a step forward.

"Please Sarah isn't going to kill herself! She loves to many people to do that to them," Kiera said. By now I was three feet away from Kiera. I slowly pulled out the blade that was in Becca's chest before.

"Wanna bet?" I said as I whipped it out slicing part of Kiera's hand, so her blood was on it, before sinking it into my own chest, straight into my heart.

Jace's POV

I was walking around the institute by the infirmary before I heard a blood boiling scream. I burst through the infirmary door to find Becca screaming and sitting upright.

"Becca!" I shouted as I ran over to her. She started to cry and I realized how she was awake.

"She's gone dad. She dead!" Becca said still crying.

"I- I'm sorry. Your sister had a good life and would do anything to keep you safe and alive and she did exactly that," I say attempting not to cry. Clary, Magnus, and Alec run through the door and right away cry starts sobbing. Magnus is hugging her trying to calm her down as Alec walks over to me.

"I'm so sorry. If there is anything we can do just ask," he says.

"I only want one thing but I can't have that anymore. I want both of my daughters not just one. You can't just have two and if one dies just say 'oh well I always have another'," I say. Clary comes over and sits next to me on Becca's bed and the three of us cry together. The boys who never cries has sure done a lot of crying lately...

"Good bye Sarah good bye," I mutter into Clary's hair and continue to cry.

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