Chapter 18

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Sarah'a POV

"Now now that's not a very nice way to greet someone is it?" Raphael looked up at me.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked again.

"Sweetheart all I want is to get you to Sebastian so he can kill you and rule the Clave," Raphael smirked.

"Why would you possible want to help Sebastian? Vampire don't work with shadowhunters. We don't even like you."

"Ouch. See that's where you're wrong. Sebastian is the reason I'm alive. I owe him my life and I have all the time in the world to repay him. So get used to seeing my around cause I'll be here for a while. Put her in the cell." Two vampires picked me up and one knocked me out before I could do to stop them.

Becca's POV

My sister is out there right now probably getting beaten and there is nothing I can do about it. I'm currently pacing the library because it "to dangerous" for us kids to help. The nerve of my parents and all the other parents here is unbelievable! They think I'm going to sit, stand in my case, and wait for them to find Sarah!

"Ugh! I can't take this anymore!" I shouted flopping down in a chair next to Naomi.

"I don't think any of us can take this anymore!" Kelsi shouted. I started to cry.

"Why are you crying? You never cry! Raziel please help us," Adam said grabbing my hand. Before I knew it I was laughing. I didn't feel like myself I felt different. I had this random thought that just made me laugh.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Bryce asked me.

"I just thought of what a horrible sister and parabatai I am! Within the first week I let my sister get kidnapped, she almost died four times, and together we all made he leave for not telling her the truth!" I said laughing.

"Oh that's so funny," a voice said behind us. "The funniest part is that everything you just said us true! I have Sarah in my control and there is no way you're going to get her back." The voice said again. I turned to see who it was and so did everyone else. "Sebastian."

Sarah's POV:

I woke up and I was tied to a chair. Classic. Thank god no one told them I had a extra knife with me that I take everywhere. I pulled it out and started to cut the ropes on my hands. I got those undone and I cut the ropes on my feet. I stood up and felt a random surge of power. I walked to the door and slowly crept out.

"We should go check on the girl," I heard a vampire say. I started to run but was pulled back by two hands pulling me into a room. A hand covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. I looked up at who ever was keeping my mouth shut. It was a girl. Black and blue hair and light brown skin. She was about 5'11" and looked like she's wasn't going to kill me. She looked me in the eyes and put her finger to her lips. I nodded slowly and she removed her hand from my mouth.

"She's gone! What do you mean she's gone! Master will be back any minute we need to find her!" I heard Raphael shout as vampires ran passed the room we were in. When they were all gone I let out a breath. I looked up at the girl.

"Thank you," my voice shook as I spoke.

"Don't thank me yet," she said walking out of the room checking if the coast was clear. She grabbed my arm and the next thing I knew we were running down the hallways of where ever we were. Suddenly we were surrounded by vampires. I didn't have any weapons but my dagger and the girls only had a sword. A few vampires charged at us. I was grabbed form behind and pulled back into yet another chair. The girl was pulled down too. Suddenly I felt angry and angry is all I felt. I closed my eyes and let my anger take over me. I heard screaming and everything went silent. I slowly opened my eyes to see the sitting across from me. Her eyes were wide with fear. I turned my head to see an Ember demon at my side. As I looked at it, it nodded its head and disappeared.

"What the hell was that?" The girl managed to get out as I stood up.

"Well you see when I was born a warlock imprinted on me and kind of have me this power that I can raise demons when ever and where ever I want." I said walking over to her. She was tied up how exactly I don't know. She looked up at me.

"You're Sarah Herondale?" She asked.

"The one and only."

"So that means Tessa Gray imprinted you to save you from Sebastian?"

"Yup that's right-"

"Bre. My name is Bre Shadeheart," She said standing up.

"Well that's peachy. Can we get out of here before Sebastian gets back?"

"I thought you'd never ask," she replied as we ran out of the warehouse and into the night time air.

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