Chapter 30

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Adams POV
Jason Cartweather, Becca's freaking boyfriend. Sarah didn't know that they'd been dating for I think like eight months. I don't know how she met him but they've been dating and now they were making out somewhere in the institute... Gross.
"How did you know they were dating? And why didn't anyone tell me?" Sarah pulled me out of my thoughts.
"What?" I said shocked.
"You think out loud sometimes."
"So how'd you know they were dating and why didn't you tell me?"
"I knew they were dating because 1 Becca's been leaving the institute at night a lot the last eight months. So one day about two months ago I decided to follow her and I pretty much saw in Central Park what you saw in the institute. I didn't tell you because I wanted your sister I tell you be I guess you can freak out now."
"I'm not gonna freak out but next time I see them holding hands or even just talking I'm screaming no PDA," she giggled.
"I'm perfectly fine with that in fact I'll do it with you," I said and let out a little laugh. Our food came and we ate it and then we left. As we walked out of Taki's it started to rain.
"Really!?" Sarah shouted and pulled the hood up on her sweatshirt. It was thin and I knew she would be cold. I pulled my hood up and put my left arm around her shoulders pulling her close to me.
"It's July Sarah what do you expect?" I asked.
"I want to go home," she whined.
"Ugh fine lets go but first I want to go somewhere and you're caning with me," I stated and pointed a finger at her with my right hand.
"Ugh fine but lets make it quick." We started to walk towards a jewelry store.
Sarah's POV
I'm only thought was why are we going to a jewelry store. I started to panic inside as we walked in.
"Adam! Oh you came just in time! We just got the order in and the neckless looks beautiful!" A man said as soon as he spotted Adam.
"Get where is it?" Adam asked. The man pulled out a black box that a neckless would fit in. He slowly opened it up and reveled a beautiful neckless that said Lily in cursive. If course! How could I forget? It was Lily's 8th birthday on the 25th! That was in three days! Adam paid for the neckless and we walked out of the store. It was still raining. We up our hoods up and starters walk home.
"Adam..." I started.
"I forgot to get Lily a present..."
"Don't worry the reason I brought you was so that it could be from both of us."
"And that's why I love you," I smiled.
"I know you do," he said and leaned and kissed me.
"Awwww!" I heard someone say. I pulled away and saw Becca standing by Central Park with Jason.
"NO PDA!!!" Adam and I shouted at the same and ran the other way. I could here Becca and Jason laughing and when I looked back Becca was on my heels. She was right behind me an I stopped and squatted. She screamed and tumbled over me. She grabbed the back of my neck and brought me onto the pavement with her. I landed on my stomach and she landed on her back. I couldn't stop laughing and neither could she. I rolled over on my back and continued to laugh. I saw Adam and Jason laughing and giving each other a man hug. I looked over at Becca.
"Eight months and you didn't tell me?" I asked.
"I didn't want you to be such a girl," she answered.
"Okay just because I made a ship name for Bryce and Kelsi doesn't mean I'm gonna start calling you and Jason Jecca," I laughed.
"By the Angel..." She said. I started laughing again. She stood up and helped me up because I was lazy. It was now pouring an we were all soaked.
"We should get back!" Adam shouted over a roar of thunder.
"Yea!" Becca, Jason, and I agreed. We all went into a full out sprit back to the institute. I was the first one back with Jason not even five feet behind. Adam and Becca showed at the same time. We all walked into the institute drenched from head to toe and laughing about nothing then Jason brought up that I was really fast.
"How are you so fast anyway?" He asked me.
"I don't know I just am. I love to run so I run a lot which makes me able to run faster for longer periods of time I guess," I answered not wanting to tell them why I was actually really fast.
"So if you're really fast are you a good shadowhunter?" He asked me.
"Yup! I'm the best of my age range," I answered with a smile.
"Really? Cause I'm the best in my age range. Right before Adam over here. Sarah would do you say we have a little brawl durning training tomorrow?"
"I hope you're really to get your ass handed to you on a silver platter cause you are good down," I said smiling.
"Bring it."

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