Chapter 15

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It's two in the morning and I am up in the loft with Kelsi and Becca. We sag in the bean bag chairs even though we only took up three of 18 of them. We were all holding pillows and were drinking hot chocolate. We were talking and laughing until we cried. I might have only known Kelsi for a day but se was really nice. We were talking to Kelsi about our lives and our family. And, my personal favorite, all the embracing things Becca and I had done in our past.

"Oh, Sarah! Remember when we were five and we had balance on that beam in the training room and to keep us to have good balance he and Uncle Alec shot or threw knives and arrows at us? And that our eyes were closed!" Becca laughed.

"That's so mean! Why would they do that?" Kelsi asked looking concerned.

"They didn't hit us, I promise. They did it to strengthen our senses. When they shot or threw something at us we had to tell them what side of us it was on. It doesn't sound fun but it was. I think we did that for like three weeks, and we get to do it on Friday for training ," I said taking a drink of the hot chocolate we'd made.

"Do I have to do that?" Kelsi asked.

"Maybe. Dad and Alec are probably going to want to test you first," Becca said shifting around in her beanbag chair. She picked up her cup of hot chocolate and frowned.

"What?" Kelsi laughed.

"I'm out of hot chocolate!" She laughed.

"So am I!" I said handing her my cup.

"Me too!" Kelsi handed her hers.

"Okay so I guess I'm getting all if us more," Becca said climbing down the ladder.

"So how did you really meet Alec and Magnus?" I asked.

"How'd you know I was lying when I told you earlier?" She said.

"I'm like a lie detecter. Not really but I could tell," I laughed.

She looked at her hands,"remember when I told you when I was seven my parents have me up because a demon was after them? While part of it was a lie. My father was abusive and he would beat me and my brother. He beat my brother to death. My mom found out and she and I tried to run. He caught us. He kept us hostage in our house and beat my mother and I. My mother put demon blood in him and he turned into a demon before my eyes. He killed my mother in front of me. I ran out of our house as fast as I could and didn't look back. I didn't have any weapons. He ran after me and caught me by my shirt and started tried to inject me with demon blood. I screamed as loud as I could and he dropped me. I saw someone running towards me and attack that thing. My vision started to get really spotty and I was losing a lot of blood. I saw my dad fall to the ground and disappear. The last thing I saw before I lost conciseness was Alec's bright blue eyes and for some reason I knew that I was safe. When I woke up I was in an institute and As I looked around I saw those blue eyes again. Alec made me tell him exactly what had happened to me and why a demon was trying to kill me and I honestly told him everything. After I was done he promise to keep me safe because he was going to adopt me. And well I guess the rest you already know."

By the end of her story I was crying my eyes off. This caring girl had literally been through hell. And I thought my life was hell!

"I'm so sorry Kels. I didn't know that. I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to go through that. But you're a strong girl and I know you'll get through it. I'm going to be here for you no matter what happens. If you need anything I'll be here," I said looking at her.

She looked up,"promise?"


"What are we talking about?" Becca said climbing back up that ladder. Kelsi told her the story and I cried even more but I couldn't help think that she was a surviver and she was strong but she had a weak spot and I knew what it was. She couldn't trust anyone. No body. And I was going to change that.

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