Chapter 22

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Three weeks later

Kelsi's POV

I woke up to screaming in the morning. It was coming from Sarah's room. Hastily I jumped out of bed and ran into Sarah's room. Bre was already in there, they'd become really good friends over the last three weeks, and trying to wake Sarah up. She was struggling.

"Bre? What's going on?" I asked.

"I don't know she just started screaming but she's still asleep! I can't wake her up! Go get Becca!" She shouted at me. I ran out of Sarah room and across the hall.

"Becca! Becca get up now! Becca!" I shouted pounding on her door.

"Kelsi what do you want?" She answered her door sleepily. Just then Sarah screamed again. We looked at each other and ran back to Sarah's room.

"What the hell is wrong with her!" Becca questioned.

"Do you think I knew she'd still be screaming?" Bre said still shaking Sarah. Sarah was thrashing around in her bed like she was trying to get something off of her. Suddenly I remembered.

"Sarah said that Will said the only way to train her using her powers was to train her in her sleep! What if somethings happening in her training?" I shouted.

"Well if that's it we can't get her out of her dream." Bre stood up. Suddenly Sarah stopped moving and stopped screaming. She looked peaceful before she shot straight up, breathing heavy and woke up. She looked up at us.

"What the hell was happening to you!" I shouted sitting on her bed.

"Training and the demon I raised tried to kill me," she said still breathing heavy. Becca looked around her room.

"Where the hell are out parents!" She shouted just as Jace and Clary ran thought the door.

"What's going on in here!" Jace shouted.

"You're a little late. A demon was attacking Sarah in her dream." I answered.

"What?" Clary asked.

"Ugh! Okay so Will said the only way to train my powers is while I'm asleep, Magnus also told me that. I must've done something wrong because normally the demons don't attack me but this time this one did," Sarah said. Suddenly Sora, who was fast asleep on Sarah's bed, woke up and started to bark at the corner. There was nothing there.

Sarah's POV

Sora started to bark at the corner and when I looked up Will was standing there. I put my hand on Sora's bakc and he looked up at me. His big brown eyes full of concern.

"It's okay buddy," I said scratching his head. He had grown a lot but was still smallish, the lady did tell me he was the smallest of his pack. He put his head down and went back to sleep. I turned my attention back to my family.

"Um. I'm really tired could I get some more sleep?" I asked them.

"I'm staying with you. It's not weird," Jace said. He was my dad and e was just protecting me. I nodded as everyone else left my room. I looked at my phone. 1:30.

"What do you want, Will?" Jace asked Will in the corner.

"You can see him?" I was stunned.

"Okay course he can see me. It was his idea to get Tessa to imprint on you and he's told me everything about you since you were born. He's a smart person you know," Will said pointing a finger at me. I put my hands up like 'okay'. They both laughed and I couldn't help but join in. Jace sat down on my bed next to me and sat the same way I was. Covers off, leaning against the headboard, feet crossed, and arms crossed over my chest. I looked at him.

"Wow dad just wow," I said laughing. When I looked over to where Will was he was no longer there and Jace was snoring loudly. I laughed to myself and before I knew it I was asleep also.

Later that morning

I was bored so I went up to the roof. I sat for a few minutes and got even more bored. I saw Becca climbing over the glutter. She got over and sat down next to me.

"Hey," she said.

"Sup sis?" I asked.


"Haha." Just then Adam climbed up.

"Oh your here," he scowled looking at Becca.

"Yea I am. What's your point?" She said.

"I don't know I guess I just wanted to spend some time with my girlfriend," he pointed to me.

"YOU GUYS ARE DATING!!!" She shouted at us. Then she stood up and went over to Adam. She slapped him.

"I swear if you hurt her I won't hesitate to break you," Becca threatened and sat back down to the right of me. A very shocked and amused Adam sat down to the left. I looked over at Becca.

"Don't worry sis Bec if he hurts me I'll crush him like a bug," I smirked looking over at Adam who had begun to pale making Becca and I both laugh uncontrollably. After a few minutes Adam got hungry so he and Becca went down to get some food. I sat up on the roof and watched them leave.

"It's about time. I though they'd never leave," a voice I knew to well spoke behind me. I somehow stood up and spun around at the same time.

"Sebastian what do you want?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"You know what I want. I want you."

"Wow creeper much? That's to bad cause the only way I'm coming with you is in a body bag."

"Ha that can be arranged my dear niece." He bolted at me with a seraph blade in his hand. I did a front handspring followed by a front flip over him and ran to the other side of the institute roof where I did something he would never think I'd do. I ran and jumped right off the roof.

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