Chapter 16

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"Come on Sarah! We have to get to training! It starts in five minutes," Becca pounded on my door. I groaned and rolled over on my side.

"Sarah, I'm coming in," Becca opened my door. "You're not even out of bed! Really Sarah you need to get up." She jumped on my bed causing me to fly off. I got up and glared at her.

"Why do we have training today? Why not tomorrow?"

"Because today is when we're having it. Now come on we have three minutes! Get up!" Becca shouted shoving cloths in my face. I went to the bathroom and changed. I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a pony. I walked out of my bathroom, grabbed my jacket and we started to jog to the training room. We made it just before Jace and Alec walked in. All us kids were here: Kelsi, Adam, Naomi, Bryce, Lily, and Emily.

"Great! Everyone's here! Now us adults have to go somewhere at 1:30 so that cuts our training time today by about 30 minutes." Alec said. I silently said yes and went back to listening.

"Okay so. Since it is the first practice that Becca has been to since she and Sarah have become parabatais I would for one like to see how well they fight. If anyone gets hurt I swear on Raziel one of you will have to run away because your mother won't hesitate to hurt you," Jace said. I looked at Becca. I could tell she didn't want to fight either. I went to the other side of the training room and grabbed my bow and whip.

"Girls I'm serious though. No majorly hurting each other," Jace said as I walked to the center of the room.

"Okay yea we get it. No fighting till one of us is almost dead. Are we finished? I want to kick Sarah's ass," Becca said as she glared at me. What was with the sudden change of mood?

"Alright. Go ahead," Jace said as he backed up. I looked up at Becca. She had this look in her eyes, the look she gives a demon before she kills it. It freaked me out. Before I knew it she made the first move. She threw a knife at my chest. I did a back handspring and the knife barely caught my shirt. As I was doing the handspring a grabbed my b?ow from around my body and loaded it. I breathed out slowly as I release the arrow. It flew past her right eat just nipping it and leaving a small scratch. I heard the arrow enter the wall next to Bryce's head.

"HOLY SHIT!!! WHAT THE FUCK SARAH! I'M NOT A TARGET!" he shouted. Becca and I laughed but the next thing I knew Becca had disarmed me. My bow went flying across the room landing with a thud on the floor.

"BECCA I SWEAR ON RAZIEL IF YOU BROKE THAT!" I heard Jace shout. I looked over at my bow. It wasn't broke. Becca almost breaking another one of my bows just made me mad. My whip started unraveling from my wrist to my hand. I pulled it back and snapped it down. It wrapped around her feet. I pulled back. Becca screamed as she fell on her back. She grabbed the whip and pulled it towards her causing me to fly forward. Before I could fall on my face I did a front handspring landing my forearm to her neck (A/n: Sarah is technically on top of her but that just sounds weird so yea).

"I think I win," I smirked.

"Yea I guess you did. Only the time though sis, only this time," she laughed. "Hey um could you get up before you choke me?" I stood up and held out my hand for her to take. She took it me stood up.

"Good job girls. You get better everyday," Alec said and continued talking.

After training

After training I was walking back to my room. I had a headache but I remember Will telling me that would happen with my powers. I walked into my room. Will was laying on my bed looking thru my phone.

"Hey!" I shouted. He dropped my phone and disappeared. I grabbed my phone and started to look at what he did. He was in my notes. Why would he be in my notes? I scrolled through them. It was a note.

Sarah, it's time I help you fully in training your powers. The only way to training you is in your sleep. What I mean by that is in your dreams. You may realize it at first but as you get farther into the training. You won't even realize your being trained. You start training tonight. See you then. Will

"Why didn't you just tell me that?" I said out loud.

"What are you talking about?" A voice said. I turned around to see Kelsi and Adam.

"Nothing. I'm talking to myself," I lied.

"Okay well anyway all the adults are gone and we're bored. Wanna do something?" Adam asked leaning against the door frame.

"Sure. Uh lets go get some food. Where's Becca?" I asked.

"HERE!" Becca came out of her room.

"Okay well lets go." I stated as I grabbed a jacket some money and walked out of my room. We all walked out the door and to Starbucks because that's what we all agreed on. While at Starbucks I saw someone in another booth looking at me.

"Hey guys ill be right back," I said getting out of the booth and walking to the bathroom. The person that was looking at followed me to the bathroom. Before I knew it the lights in the bathroom went out and I blacked out.

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