Chapter 31

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Becca's POV

I was soaked and laughing my butt off as Sarah said she could beat Jason in a training battle. Why was I laughing? Because I knew Sarah could really best him. She's beat everyone in the institute... Twice. Okay so maybe like four to twenty times... She's beats a lot off people... Um so yeah... Bye!

Sarah's POV

I walked down to my room as Sora followed at my heals. My wet cloths stuck to me and I couldn't even tell you how much I wanted to change. I opened my door and stood dead in my tracks.

"Sarah! Why did you lie to me? You know I don't like being lied to," Sebastian said standing by my window.

"I... I..."

"Oh save it," he said and in a matter of seconds e was in front of me. Before I had time to react he grabbed my arms and quickly drew a rune. I pulled back but by the time I had he was already gone. I looked down at the rune and started to get light headed. I walked into my room and shut the door behind me and then my knees hit the floor and I was our like a light.

Jason's POV

Sarah said she and I would battle at training yesterday. While we were all waiting for Sarah to get here and she hadn't showed up.

"Where is she! She should've been here ten minutes ago!" Jace shouted in frustration.

"Maybe she was just afraid of our little bet," I said. I looked over at Becca as she gave me a death glare immediately telling me it was time to shut up.

"Sarah never backs down from a fight. I worried about her after you gluts got home she went to we room and never came out," Kelsi explained.

"We should go get her," Bre said standing up from one of the benches.

"I'll go she want to fight me anyway," I stated and walked out of the room. I walked to Sarah's bedroom and knocked on the door. No answer.

"Sarah?" I said knocking again.

No answer.

"Sarah really come on out, we don't have to fight if you don't want to."

Still no answer. By this time I was just mad so I grabbed the handle and swung the door open. Sarah was lying on the floor on her side. Her knees bent a little, one arm out in front of her and her head was using the other one as a pillow. Her hair covered her face. I ran to her side and quickly moved her on her back. I moved her hair out of her face and checked to see if her heart was beating and she was still breathing. Her heart was beating very slowly and her breath was ragged. Quickly I drew an irazte on her neck. The stele touched her cold skin and didn't even make a mark.

"HELP! Someone help!" I shouted down the hall. Seconds later I saw Izzy and Clary running down the hall towards me.

"What's wrong and why aren't you in trai-" Izzy started then noticed Sarah's lifeless body on the floor.

"What did you do to my daughter!" Clary shouted.

"I didn't do anything! I found he like this!" I said as I knelt down by Sarah again.

"Pick her up Jason we need to get her to the infirmary," Isabelle say quickly. I picked her up an we started to run towards the infirmary. All the others, expect Lily, Carter, Jacob and Magnus, were in the training room waiting for me to come back with Sarah. I gently set Sarah down on a bed. I pulled up her sleeves and saw something I never thought I'd see.

"Clary," my voice shook in terror.

"What is it?" She asked walking over to me. I pointed to Sarah's arm. "Shit." She whisper and grabbed her daughters arm.

"What is it?" Izzy asked walking over to us. We were all staring at Sarah's arm.

"NO NO NO! No this is not good! He can do this to me but not my daughter! Shit!" Clary started to shout. Just then Magnus burst through the doors with Jem by his side and yes I know who Jem is.

"Where is she?!" Jem shouted running through the doors.

"She's right here Jem," Izzy said. Both guys ran over to her. He grabbed her arm and looked at Magnus an then at Clary.

"That's the same rune that Sebastian put on Clary to make her trust him and no one else," Magnus pointed to the rune on Sarah's skin.

"It is," Jem said. He raised his hand over the rune and placed it carefully on her arm. He muttered something under his breath and took his hand off. The mark was slowly starting to fade. But as soon as it was gone it came right back.

"Crap..." He said sounding worried.

"Crap? Crap what? What is wrong?" Clary asked worried.

"There is no way to stop the mark its been on her skin for to long. When she wakes up everyone she trusts right now she will think if as an enemy," he said as a tear escaped my eyes. I'd only known Sarah for a day but she was he most brave and caring person I'd even met.

"What if she doesn't trust me?" I asked without even realizing it. "Would she trust me when she woke up?"

"First why wouldn't she trust you? And second yes," Magnus said. That gave me and idea and I didn't have much time. I didn't know when she was going to wake up. I ran out of the institute as back to her room. I grabbed a backpack and started shoving some of her cloths in it then went to my room an did the same. I ran back into the infirmary and set down our bags. I walked over to Clary and she must've known what I was think cause she had a stele in have and started to draw the communication rune on my skin I quickly drew it on her too.

"What's your plan Jason?" She asked me.

"I'm going to take Sarah and we are going to go to Sebastian. I can be your spy but I know none of us want her there alone," I said. I picked up Sarah arm an quickly drew a glamorous on it. I picked her up bridal style and had both of our backpacks over one shoulder. "Clary can you make a portal for me?"

"Of course." She quickly made a portal and looked back to me. "Whatever you do, please keep my daughter safe but keep yourself safe too. Good luck and keep in touch. I'll contact you everyday if I have to. Good luck and good bye." Was the last thing I heard before stepping through the portal.

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