Chapter 29

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A few things before this chapter...
First... HAPPY EASTER!!!
Second... I need a cute ship name for Becca and the guy you meet in this chapter post it in the comments at the end of the chapter. Thanks!
And now what you came here for I give you chapter 29...
Three weeks later
Becca's POV
"I swear dad trains us harder and harder everyday!" I said as I collapsed onto Sarah's bed.
"Get your sweat ass off my bed," she said collapsing on it herself.
"What's wrong with you today? Ya know beside the fact that you twisted your ankle durning practice?" I asked sitting up.
"Will has been pissing me off every night with training. You'd think by now he'd let me use my powers outside of my mind," she said into her pillows.
"Ah. I thought it was just that time of th-"
"Are you trying to piss me off even more?" She said flipping over on her back.
"Nope," I said popping the p. Suddenly there was a knock on the institute door. "Ugh! I'll get it!" I shouted knowing all of our parents were out doing stuff and the kids wouldn't get off their butts.
"I'll come too," Sarah said as we walked out of her room.
"Race ya?" I said.
"You're on," she stated as we started to run to the elevator. She got in first and pushed the button. The doors slid closed just before I got there. I could hear her laughing. How did she get there so fast? I ran down the hall and to the stairs. I ran/ tripped down the level and emerged out into another hallway. The elevator door opened. Sarah ran out and to the stairs that lead to the door. She hopped onto the rail with her feet and slid down it. I ran as fast as I could down the stairs and stopped in front of where she would have to get off. She screamed and did a front flip over me landing it perfectly.
"Nice one," I said patting her back.
"Whatever," she said as she opened the door. Once it was fully open I saw him. Deep blue eyes walking straight in my life. Black hair styled a lot like Bryce's. He was a little taller than me. He was strong and, of course, a shadowhunter. His eyes though. By the Angel.
Sarah's POV
I watch as Becca looked at this guy that showed up at our door step. They were just staring at each other and I was trying my dearest not to laugh.
"Hey my name is Jason Cartweather. I'm suppose to meeting a Jonathan Herondale here?" He said.
"I'm Sarah Herondale and this is Becca my sister. Jace is our dad. He should be here soon," I said knowing Becca would say something stupid and embarrass herself.
"Um yea! Why don't I walk you to the library and we can see if he's there," Becca said coming out of her love trans.
"Sounds great," he said as they started to walk away. I felt like I was see the beginning of something. I decided it was time for a walk as I went back to my room. I grabbed my jacket off my bed and walked out of my room. I walked down the hall to see Becca and Jason making out. Gross! Remind me to vomit later!!! Worst part we just met the guy what, five minutes ago? I turned around and walked to other way. Adam was walking out of his room and over the way I just came. I grabbed his hand and pulled him the other way.
"Why Sarah? Just why? I'm hungry and the kitchen is that way!" He whined.
"Well then lets go on a date. I want to go to Taki's, plus you don't want to see what's in the hallway over there. You should be thanking me," I said letting go of his hand. We were walking in front of the library doors which we open even though no one was in there.
"Why should I be thanking you?" He asked and stopped. I stopped to.
"Because Becca and I just met a shadowhunter named Jason Cartweather and him and Bec are Making out in the hallway over there," I said.
"Was it something like this?" He asked as closed the gap between us and pressed his lips to mine. I kissed back of course because he's my boyfriend and I love him. Suddenly I heard a portal open and footsteps in the library.
"Adam stop swapping spit with my daughter! I'm standing right here!" I heard my dad whine. I felt Adam smile and he pulled away.
"Sorry Uncle Jace," Adam said as he pulled me further down the hall so we were out of Jace's sight. "Now, how about that date?" He said as he placed a kiss on my cheek and walked out of the institute.

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