Chapter 39

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Sarah's POV
A bright light is the most amazing thing I've seen lately. It's so memorizing and I couldn't help but walk towards it. I noticed the light almost formed a tunnel and finally I saw a door. The door looked like the door to get into Taki's which confused me.
"The door you see is one of your favorite places. You see it before you go in just so you never forget. For me the door is the front door of the London Institute," a voice said behind me. I looked around to see Will leaning against the door.
"Excuse me?" I asked stunned.
"The door you see Sarah is the door to heaven. Once you go in there is no turning back."
"I'm confused. Wouldn't I already be in there by now?"
"Yes but I'm holding you back."
"Because you can't die yet. Kiera is dead yes, she went back to her dimension and died like all demons do. But she said something before turning to dust. non hoc mihi videris ultimum. I'm not sure what it means but it's Latin."
"But that doesn't explain to me why I'm here still."
"Oh right. Sarah how do I put this... You aren't able to die. When you cut Kiera's hand and stabbed yourself you just put her back inside of you. If you learn to control it she could do you more good than harm."
"That's impossible. Kiera will always do me harm never good. She's evil."
"She helps you every time you use your powers. Now get out of here," Will stated and turned me around. I started to walk the way I had came.
"Wait-" I turned around but Will was already gone and the whiteness around my started to fade and the warehouse where I had died started coming back to life.
Adam's POV
I'm back at the institute sitting on the roof wishing Sarah was in my arms but that's never going to happen again. I guess you don't know what you have until you loss it all.
"I love you Sarah," I whispered and the tears began again.

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