Chapter 34

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"Adam! There's demonic activity by the old Nike Shoe warehouse! Gather the kids and get down there! We'll be there in a few minutes!" Clary shouted as Adam ran into the library. He and the others were already in gear from training so he sprinted back to the training room.

"GUYS WE NEED TO GO NOW!!!" He shouted as he burst the door open. Jason and Bre stopped sparing and Becca looked up from throwing knives at the wall. It had been a week since anyone had heard or seen Sarah. They grabbed their weapons and waited for Becca to draw a portal. She drew one and they all appeared in front of the Nike warehouse. It was run down and old but they didn't care. Adam had seen much worse and the only thing he could think about was Sarah.

Naomi's POV

I didn't care what kind of crazy demon was in that warehouse I needed my friend back. I looked at Adam and we both started to walk towards the warehouse without a second thought.

Becca's POV

I drew the unlock rune on the lock of the warehouse. We filed into the big open room. The doors slammed shut behind us. A spotlight suddenly shown down on someone sitting in the middle of the warehouse. A girl. My heart shattered when I saw her. Her wrists and ankles were tied to the chair with rope and her cloths, arms, legs, and part of her head were all bloody. She had duct tape over her mouth. She was unconscious and looked like she was barely breathing.

"Sarah!" I shouted and started to run to her only to run into a invisible wall causing me to fall on my ass. I pounded on the wall.

"Becca! Give it up she isn't going to break down no matter how much you pound on it," Adam said placing his hand on my shoulder. He just stood there as all of us looked at Sarah. Suddenly her head moved from one side to the other. I held in a breathe as I saw her eyes flicker open but I didn't recognize her. Her bright blue eyes had turned a deep shade of red and her smile had become an evil smirk.

"What did you do to her!" I shouted at Sebastian as he appeared behind Sarah's right shoulder.

"I didn't do anything to her, she did it all to herself," he stated as he started to untie Sarah's right wrist. "It was her choice to let Jason go. It was her choice to try and run away after I attempted to put demon blood in her. It was her choice to try and kill Lilith and other Dark Shadowhunters. It was her choice to do what she did to herself. None of the choice was mine." He had untied both her ankles and was untying her left wrist. "But most of all it was her choice to become the demon she knew she was." And with that Sarah stood up and the wall that separated us went down. She took a step towards me and I took a step back words. I heard Jason suddenly scream but was then nothing. I looked around frantically but he was the only one that didn't have his eyes glued to Sarah. What the hell was going on here?

Sarah's POV

"Jason you have to understand that that thing you see walking towards Becca right now isn't me," I said as I pulled my hand away from his mouth when we were behind a bunch of crates.

"How are you out there but right here at the same time?" He asked stumbling with his words. I face palmed, was he ever going to listen to me?

"That's not me. Well if you want to get technical yes it is but it's the evil side of me. The side that had been locked up in me for so long it found its own way out. I don't understand it much but this is what I can tell you and I don't have a lot of time. Pretty much when Tessa imprinted on me it split me in half. Half was good and half was evil. The evil side of me was possessed by a demon name Umbra Mali or translated in English to Shadow of Evil. No one knows about her but me. Anyway that is Umbra Mali and she has possessed half my body and split me in two parts."

"Is there a way to get you two back together?"

"Yes but I have to kill her or kill myself."

"Lets kill her."

"I was thinking that same thing."

"So how do we kill her?"

"I'm going to distract her and you have to shot her with and arrow. Got it? Good lets go. Any more questions?"

"Sarah... What did Sebastian need to tell me?"

I took a sharp breath, "you're a Morgenstern... Not a Cartwright... You're Sebastian's son." And with that I stood up and ran as fast as I could right between Becca and Umbra Mali. I heard a wave of gasps.

"I thought I killed you when I split us in two," Umbra Mali exclaimed biting the inside of her cheek.

"You can't get rid of me," I said.Umbra Mali screeched and pulled a dagger out from her belt as I let it fly towards me.

"No!" Becca shouted as she shoved me out of the way and the dagger slid deep into her chest. I walked over to Becca and, without thinking, pulled the dagger out of her chest.

"Adam put pressure on that she she will die!" I shouted. I turned to throw the dagger at Umbra Mali but she and Sebastian were already gone. I stuck the dagger in my belt loop and rushed over to Becca's side. Adam was trying to put an irazte on Becca.

"Don't try. The dagger she threw was intended for me. It's cursed and it would kill me and keep me dead while she took over both halves of my body. It's confusing but I'll explain later. JASON!" I shouted the last part. He walked out from behind the crate a loaded bow in hand.

"I had a clear shot of her and then Becca shoved you out of the way," he exclaimed and saw Becca's lifeless body on the ground. He could barely look at her and I knew why, it's hard news to take in.

"We need to get her back to the institute now," Naomi stated as she handed me her stele. I gladly took it and drew us portal to get us the hell out of there.

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