Chapter 26

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Sarah's POV

"Yes Adam I get that the "only way" I'll be one hundred percent safe is if I go back to Silent City with Jem and he protects me BUT that doesn't get us anywhere with trying to find Sebastian, does it?"

"No Sarah it doesn't but you're my girlfriend I want you to be safe!"

"You can't keep me safe forever! I know what I have to do and it's the only way to do it!"

"Sarah there are other ways!"

"No Adam there aren't! Now would you deal with the fact that this is the way that we have to do things and you can't change it?!"

"No I won't!"

"Then just leave! Get out of my room,"

Adam and I were arguing about five minutes ago and I hated myself for telling him to leave. Right now I needed him... A lot! He has always been there for me when I'm sad and now I'm sitting on my bed crying my eyes out because he wanted to keep me safe. It was about two hours until I'd be meeting Sebastian at Taki's so he could tell me his plan. Clary and I had made a communication rune so we could talk though our minds. I was mad right now and heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said. The door opened up and Bre stood in the doorway.

"Hey," she said closing the door and sitting in the chair next to the it.


"What's wrong?"

"Adam. Adam is what's wrong."


"He's trying to be the over protective boyfriend I don't want him to be. I mean I'm able to make my own decisions right?"

"Of course you are but he's just being what he's meant to be. The one who protects you and keeps you out of harms way. Trust me, I had a boyfriends once-" she stopped and looked down. "I had a boyfriend once. His name was Max. He was the nicest person I've ever met. I loved him so much and one day I was fighting a demon and he came and save me. Somehow the demon was killed and it took him into the demon realm with him. Ever since then I've been searching for some kind of way that I can get him back. I've tried countless warlocks and killed so many of the same demons that he killed to see if they'll take me back with them. They never do. I still think of him everyday."

"Do you happen to have a picture of him?"

"I always have one with me," she stated pulling out a picture of her and him. He had brown hair and his bangs curled over his brown eyes. He was tall and pretty muscular and he was cute.

"I sorry. I so sorry. I really wish I could help you in some way," I said handing her the picture.

She looked up at me, "you and Adam need to make up. I've asked him before and he told me that you are the best thing that ever happened to him. He needs you, and trust me you need him."

Adams POV

We were all standing in the library waiting for Sarah to come and meet us so she could go to Taki's. she came in

wearing black jeggings, a white tank top, a black leather jacket, a pair of combat boots, and a black beanie. She had a bunch of daggers and seraph blades hidden around her body just in case Sebastian got any ideas. 8 hours ago, after about 45 minutes of arguing, she had agreed to let us kids, Bryce, Bre, Kelsi, Becca, Emily, and myself, go along and sit in different parts of Taki's so we could make sure she was safe. My mind kept flashing back to our fight and how I wished that I had just stopped being protective and told her this was her chance to shine and show what she was made of. But noooooo I had to be an overprotective boyfriend that I never wished to be! God I hate myself sometimes. She looked beautiful tonight heck she looks beautiful everyday, even when she just woke up and has the messiest hair you've ever seen, she's still looked beautiful.

"Okay, so all of you know the plan. You know what you need to do and when to do it. If anything goes wrong we can create a portal but that does take some time," Jace said looking at Sarah. She nodded her head but didn't say a word.

"Are you sure you still want to do this? You can still back out," Clary said trying to get her daughter out of harms way.

"No mom. I need to do this. It's the only way." Sarah said. I got a knot in my throat but now was not the time to start crying. Clary drew a portal and we all stepped through. As we stepped in front of Taki's I still felt the lump in my throat. You're in love with her Adam. You're in love, my mothers words ran in my head. We walked into Taki's and Sarah sat down. We sat down in different places around Taki's. I sat with Bryce and Kelsi just close enough so we could still hear what they were saying. Sarah had drawn a communication rune on me so I could communicate with her too.

I love you, Adam. I really do love you. Her voice suddenly rang in my head.

I love you too Sarah. I thought back to her. If you need anything tonight just scream and I'll be there in a heartbeat.

Thank you Adam. I love you.

I love you more.

I love you most.


And always.

Good luck Sarah bear.

I looked down at my hands. I hadn't called her Sarah bear since we were like seven.

"Don't worry dude, she'll be okay she knows how to fight. She's strong and she's smarter than she looks," Bryce reassured me.

"I know but it's not her I'm worried about," I answered. Suddenly I heard the door to Taki's open in the other room and knew it had to be Sebastian. Sure enough it was. The meeting had finally begun.


Credit to Tangled for the I love you I love you more I love you most thing! Love that movie!

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