Chapter 23

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Sarah's POV

I knew where I was running off, of first of all. We were sitting on the roof by the rooms; on the other side of the roof was the green house. Sticking out from the middle of the green houses glass roof was a pipe that set off the sprinkles everyday. It ran from the ground in the garden outside by entrance of the institute. So before you call me insane and pretty much committing suicide I'm going to tell you I had a plan. I grabbed the pole and slid down it by the front door. I didn't go back inside though that would just be putting my family in danger. No I couldn't do that. Instead I ran to Central Park and climbed the nearest tree I could find. The first branch was about 15 feet up but since I was glamoured I was able to run straight up the tree, grab onto the branch and continue climbing. I climbed up until I could barely see the ground anymore. Insane, I thought to myself, I am insane! I couldn't help but laugh at that. I pulled out my phone and I had a text from Becca.

Where are you? We went back up to the roof and you were gone?

I worked up all the courage I had to text her back.

I'm at Central Park. Bring mom and dad and meet me here ASAP I need to talk to them. Btws I'm in a tree.

I laughed at the last part and waited for a reply. Sure enough I got one.

Can I ask which tree? There are many of these so called trees in Central Park. You aren't the most descriptive person Sarah.

I laughed at that then replied.

It's the biggest tree when you first walk in. You can't miss it.

I waited.

Okay see you in a few minutes.

What am I think! I can't tell them what happened to me! Make up a lie? No, my dad can tell when I'm lying. Ugh!

"I hate this," I said putting my head in my hands.

"Then come with me and we can rule this world together. For eternity. Come on little niece you know it's right," I heard Sebastian say. I whipped my head around. He was standing on a tree branch in the tree next to me.

"Why do you want me?" I asked on the verge of tears.

"Sarah you have powers that can save this world you just don't know how to control it. If you come with me I can train you."

"Yea you'll also train my brain to think that my family is evil and the Clave is trying to kill us all."

"See you're already getting the hang of it." He laughed. I jumped out of my tree and started to run again. "You can't run forever!" I heard him shout. I knew I couldn't but I could always try. I kept running the ground was hard under my feet. I ran around the corner and knocked someone over.

"Hey! Watch it you prick!" They shouted. It was Becca.

"Becca how many times have I told you! I'm not a prick!" I said rolling off of her.

"Well why are you running around like you saw a ghost?" She said standing up and helping me up.

"Okay first of all I don't freak out about seeing ghosts anymore, it's normal now. Second of all I was running away from-"

"Well if it isn't my dear sister!" Sebastian said from behind me. I looked at my family. I mouthed run. They all started to run. All but me. I watched them go. I knew my dad thought I was following cause I nodded to him that I would. I didn't follow.

"You can have me when the time is right but just please don't hurt my family," I said and started to cry.

"I don't want your family I just want you," he smirked. Then he turned around and walked alway. I took the chance and sprinted away and I didn't look back. As soon as I got home I went straight to my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it. I pulled a backpack out of my closet and started pulling cloths out of my closet and putting them in the backpack. I grabbed a few daggers, two seraph blades, my stele, and, stupidly, my phone. I put on a sweatshirt of Adams that he had left in my room earlier today. I slung it around my shoulders and climbed out my window. I grabbed the downspout but this time I slid down it. I got the bottom and started to walk out to the front gate. I stopped and looked back at the institute. Tears threatened to come out of my eyes. I hadn't left a note or a fire message or anything. Just the cloths that I couldn't fit in my bag. Did I want to leave my family? No. Was it the right thing to keep them safe? Maybe? I don't know. I just knew I couldn't let them get hurt for something that I started. And I honestly didn't know how I started it! I forgot all the 'what ifs' that ran through my mind and walked out the front gate.

Adams POV

I hadn't seen Sarah since she was on the roof. I walked to her room and knocked on the door. No answer.

"Sarah?" I asked as I twisted the knob. It was locked. "Sarah!" I shouted pounding my shoulder into the door. Becca came running around the corner.

"What the hell Adam?" She looked skeptical.

"Sarah's door is locked and I can't get it!"

"Well before you brake your shoulder give my your stele!" She shouted as I handed her my stele. She quickly drew a rune on the lock hole and it unlocked. She shoved the door open to an empty room and an open window. She ran to the window and climbed out only to come back a few seconds later.

"She's not on the roof!" She shouted. I ran out of the room and quickly to Bre's room.

"Bre!" I pounded on the door.

"What do you want Adam?!" She said opening the door.

"Sarah's missing!" I said running to the library where the rest of our family was. I burst through the door.

"Sarah's missing!" I shouted as every pair of eyes but me. Clary and Jace looked up from the books they were reading. Magnus looked up from a fashion magazine. Simon and Izzy looked up from my new baby brother and sister, Katie and Benedict. And Alec looked up from his iPhone.

"What do you mean she's missing?" Jace said standing up.

"I mean she's gone! Not anywhere in the institute!" I shouted almost crying. Jace, Clary, Alec, Magnus, and Simon ran out of the library leaving me and my mom. I started to cry. She noticed and walked over to me. I sat on the steps that you had to do down to get to the main floor of the library and cried. She noticed me crying and walked over and sat next to me. She put her arm around me and pulled me into her loving arms.

"It's okay baby. We'll find her, I promise," she said reassuringly.

"She's all I ever think about, mom, I can't just let her go. She's out there alone probably walking right into Sebastian's trap. I need her here with me, mom. I don't understand what I'm feeling right now," I said looking at her. She dried my tears and smiled.

"You're in love with her, Adam. You're in love."

Becca's POV

Sarah ran out again. WHAT THE HELL WAS SHE THINKING! I swear when I find that girl if she wasn't already dead I'd kill her myself! I don't care if I go to jail or get all my runes stripped! I'd do it anyway! I'm do mad right now but at the same time I'm hurt. Sarah didn't trust us enough to tell us the truth and that just ticked me off. I couldn't handle it. As soon as Adam ran out of Sarah's room I broke down crying. I guess now I know how it felt to be Sarah when we didn't tell her what she could really do and that was the worst feeling anyone could ever have.

"I'm sorry Sarah I'm so sorry," I mumbled into my hands and continued to cry.

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