Chapter 27

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Sebastian's POV

I walked into Taki's and saw a blonde haired girl sitting in a booth. Sarah. He was fiddling her thumbs waiting for me. Silently I slid into the seat across from her. She looked up not saying a word.

"Why did you want to see me tonight?" I asked.

"Everyone hates me at the institute. Adam just wants me for my power. Clary thinks I'm a monster. Jace doesn't trust me. And don't even get me started on Simon and Izzy," she answered.

"Well that's what I'm here for. I'll be your friend and family now Sarah."

"So what's the plan?"

"The Clave is destroying our world and they need to be stopped. You have the power to change that and with me training you to use your powers we'll be able to take over the Clave, together."

"W-wo-wow that sounds really nice. Being the thing that my family fears, I want that. I want that more than anything." She had this look in her eyes and I knew I had her hooked. I smile and she gave me this evil grin.

"I'll be in contact with you, Sarah," I said getting up and leaving. It didn't take that long for me to know that Sarah was on my side. My work here was done.

Sarah's POV

I'm not gonna lie and I know all of you are going to hate me but Sebastian's plan to rule the Clave sounded like a dream. A dream that I honestly wanted and didn't want to be apart of. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME!!!! What am I saying! I have friends! A family that loves me! Ugh I've gotten like no sleep that's probably what's wrong, right? I looked down at my water that I hand ordered. Waters not supposed to be purple... Shit.

Adams POV

I saw Sarah start to fall out of her booth and I sprang to her catching her head just before it hit the floor. Bryce an Kelsi soon followed me, then Becca and Bre. The picking up the rear was Emily.

"Sarah? Sarah!" I said shaking her. She wasn't waking up.

"Becca! Make a portal so we can get out of here!" Bre instructed. Becca didn't hesitate. I picked Sarah up bridal style and carried her through the portal. We landed in he library where our parents were waiting.

"What happened to her! All of the sudden she just stopped thinking!" Clary shouted as her eyes fell on Sarah's lifeless body. Jace ran to me and took Sarah out of my arms. He, Alec, and Magnus ran out of the library and I'm pretty they were running to the infirmary. I notice Bre wasn't in the library and neither was Becca. Suddenly another portal opened and they both walked through. Bre was holding a veil with a purple liquid in it.

"What is that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure but whatever it is Sarah was drinking it," Bre answered.

"But the thing is we both saw her order a water and the waiter brought her a water." Becca piggybacked.

"Well then what turned her water purple?" Clary's voice shook.

"We're gonna go to Magnus and ask him if her can help us figure out what Sebastian put in it." Bre said twirling the veil in a small circle. A loud scream sounded from the infirmary. Sarah. I sprinted out of the library and down the hall to the infirmary. I could hear Clary and Becca running after me. I stopped at the infirmary door and say that blue, green, yellow, and pink sparks were coming out from under the door. Good, Magnus was helping her and the screaming had stopped. As long as Sarah was okay then I was okay and as long as I loved her she would always be safe.

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