Chapter 13: Filler

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We walked back to the institute in silence. Not an awkward silence but a comfortable silence. When we walked through the institute doors and before I could even blink Becca's arms are thrown around me and her and I are both crying.

"I'm so sorry. I'm your sister, I should tell you the truth no matter how much it hurt. I should've done something," she says crying.

"It's okay. I promise. I do wish hat you guys could've told me and not Will-" I started but stop when I see Magnus perk up at Will's name.

"Did you say Will?" He asks.


"Will Herondale?"


"Come with me," he says grabbing my hand and pulling me into another room. We are in the kitchen.

"What did Will say to you? How can you see him?" He asks.

"I can see and talk to ghosts. Apparently I can also travel to the demon realm and create runes like my mom."

"Wow. Okay so you have more abilities than we thought."

"What does that mean? How may did you thinks I'd get?"

"We just thought that you'd be able to see and talk to ghosts. We didn't think you'd be able to create runes or be able to travel to the demon realm," he stopped and thought. Then his eyes widened, "Sarah, if you can travel to the demon realm that means that you can summon demons without something of the demons."

"What?" I had no idea what he was talking about.

"It means that you can summon demons any time, any where. You don't need something that the demon once or does own."

"Oh," I looked at the floor. "How did I get all these 'abilities' in the first place?"

"Tessa. Since you have warlock blood in you you have something about you that most shadowhunters don't."

I looked at the floor,"why is it me? Clary didn't get her ability till she was 16."

"I know it's a lot to take in but we'll figure it out. But we can figure it out tomorrow. Yesterday was your birthday and your sister has to give you something and so do your parents and everyone else. So come on," he said putting his arm around my shoulder as we walked out of the kitchen and to the library.

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I had a great night, well you know despite what had happened to me over the last few days. I carried my presents back to my room and started to put stuff away. Becca and I ended up getting each other one of the same things: an iPhone case that says Keep Calm and Don't Tell The Clave. I also got her a picture of us, framed, when it was winter and we decided to shove each other in the snow with nothing but gear on. She got me a picture of when I was winter and we were lazy and made a loft in the library and fell asleep up there wrapped in blankets with books surrounding us and cups of hot chocolate on the floor, that's our favorite place now. I had already gotten my gift from Adam. He got Becca a ton of her favorite candy: M&M's, skittles, Hersey's chocolate bars, and Reese's peanut butter cups. Naomi got me a 25 dollar gift car to Barnes and Noble, a 10 dollar gift card to Starbucks, and a 15 dollar gift card to Caribou Coffee. She got Becca a 35 dollar gift card to Barnes and Noble and more freaking chocolate. Lily got me another iPhone case, this one was a Stitch one (I'm not growing up anytime soon), and a huge package of peanut butter twix's. She got Becca a black iPhone case that says say that to my fist in white with a picture of a fist, and. More. Chocolate. Bryce got me a new pair of Nike shoes and a 10 dollar gift card for iTunes. He got Becca the same thing. Emily got me a three pairs of converses: black, blue, and purple (to go along with my collection). She got Becca three pairs of high tops: Black, green, and red. Simon got us both black sweatshirts with white writing. Becca's says Becca with the number 4 under it. Mine says Sarah with the number 13 under it. Izzy, by the angel, Izzy got me eight pairs of skinny jeans: black, light blue, sea green, purple, light green, red, mint green and gray. Eight shirts. My favorite was the one that says train like a beast dress like a beauty. Three pairs of shoes: black flats, black high heels and combat boots. And finally a Coral colored dress that stopped mid thigh with a pair of black tights to go underneath it. She got Becca seven pairs of black skinny jeans, eight shirts that funny graphics on them, four pairs of shoes, and finally about 150 hair ties so she stops stealing mine. Alec and Magnus surprised us all with our birthday gift in telling us that they were adopting another girl named Kelsi, shes 15, and that she's be at the institute in a few days. They also get us both chocolate. Jace got me three leather jackets, a new whip, and ,my favorite, a bow and arrow because someone *cough cough Becca* broke my old one. He got Becca a new set of throwing knives (don't get near her when she's mad. You only make that mistake once), a new jacket, and iPhone case that says there's no I in TEAM but there is ME. Clary for me a iPhone case that says No is not in my vocabulary, another iPhone case that says just one more page, a pair of combat boots, a digital picture frame with a whole bunch of pictures already in it, and a 40 dollar Barnes and Noble gift card. She got Becca a new pair of sneakers, a digital picture frame, another jacket, a 15 dollar gift card to Pizza Hut, and a 25 dollar gift card to Barnes and Noble. I finally finished putting all my presents away and plopped down on my bed. It was around 11:30. I didn't want to but I knew I had to sleep. So I did. I had no dream which was a good thing I guess and I was happy.

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