Chapter 25

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Sarah POV

"Sarah wake up," Brother Zachariah said. I slowly sat up and looked around. I was still in the cell in Silent City but I felt different. I look over at Brother Zachariah and he looks different. He's not in his rode anymore he's in a green pollo and jeans.

"Who are you?" I asked stunned.

"I'm a friend of Will Herondale."

I sucked in a breathe,"so you're the James Carstairs that he's always talking about, aren't you?" He nodded.

"Listen Sarah I have figured out a way that we can make the dagger that will get your powers out of you but it'll take a really long time, so until then we figured out a spell that'll make it so your powers have a delay so they won't work."

I stood up. "Okay so what are we waiting for?"

"There's a catch. Demon metal only has power for a short amount of time. If you were to still have the spell on you when we have completed the dagger, if you stabbed yourself with it, there's a huge chance that you wouldn't make it."

"No matter what the cost. I want my family to be safe."

Adams POV

We were walking down the streets and I say someone that looked just like Sarah walking out of Starbucks. I ran over to them and grabbed there shoulder. They decided to flip me and the way they flipped me is the same way that Sarah flips people so I knew it was her.

"What the heck! Adam! I could've killed you!" She shouted as she held out her hand, I took it and she pulled me up. A man walked out after her.

"Sarah! Are you okay?" He asked and came over to us.

"Yea I'm fine Jem." She said.

"SARAH!" Becca shouted and tackled her sister almost knocking Sarah's frappé out of her hand she didn't drop it.

"Bec! Geez! I paid for this with y own money! I'd like to drink it."

"Never! And I mean NEVER run out on us like that again!" Jace said pulling his daughter into a hug.

Sarah's POV

"Um guys I'd like you to meet-"

"JAMES!" Magnus interrupted me as he hugged Jem.

"Magnus!" Jem said and hugged back. I stood there looking at Alec's face.

"How are you doing old friend?" Magnus asked.

"Good. The Brothers have me some 'time off' so I could watch after Sarah for a little while," Jem answered.

"You know you should probably introduce yourself so some people don't freak out," I said looking at Alec. Magnus walked to over to Alec and put his arm around his shoulders.

"This is James Carstairs but you know him as Brother Zachariah," I said because neither if them were saying anything. Everyone looked at me and I didn't like it so I just walked back to the institute. I walked into the library and climbed into the loft. I sat down one if the bean bags and grabbed took my iPhone out of my pocket and plugged in my earbuds. I grabbed Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters and just read. I didn't hear when Bryce came and sat across from me. I looked up and almost screamed. I pulled out my earbuds.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Your dad and Adam are arguing about the best way to keep you safe."

"And how do they plan to keep me safe?"

"Adam thinks that you should go to Silent City but Jace thinks that you should stay here and help us figure out what Sebastian wants and how we can take him out."

"What do you think?"

"Sar you're like my sister I don't want you to get hurt but we need you to be safe."

I looked down,"I think of you like a brother but if you were in my situation what would you do? Where would you go?"

"If I were you? I don't know what I would do." He laughed.

"Thanks you're so much help." I said sarcastically.

"Sar you have no idea what kind of stress you have put us through lately but it's your choice. We can't force you to do something. Well we could I just don't think you'd like that."

"Thanks Bryce and I know it's none of my business but what's going on between you and Kelsi?" I asked. He got bright red and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well I guess you could say that we're dating but at 15 I'm not sure and with our world the way it is... It's complicated," he said sliding down the ladder down to the library and out of the loft. "Are you coming with me?" He shouted. I slid down the ladder and landed next to him.

"Lets go."

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