Chapter 33

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Sarah's POV

I opened my mouth to say something when a door opened out of no where and Sebastian walked in.

"Well it's amazing to see you awake Sarah! Tell me, Jason, how long has she been awake?"

"Um about an hour," Jason answered.

"It's great to see you uncle Sebastian," I smiled.

"You too Sarah," he answered. He looked from Jason to me and back again.

"How about you two go out and have some fun while we're in Paris? We aren't going to be here for long and I'd hate for you not to see what a beautiful place it is," Sebastian said.

"Okay!" I said. I climbed the stairs two at a time and walked into my room. I grabbed a white and sea green cover up out of my dresser and threw it over my shoulders. I grabbed a few throwing knives and stuck them in my belt loops. I took my stele from off the nightstand by my bed and the sea green beanie next to it. I put the beanie on and walked out of my room. I jumped down the stairs to see a waiting Jason by where the door would be. He was a pair of blue jeans and a black sweatshirt that had a batman symbol on it. He had a flat brimmed snapback again black with the batman symbol on it. I just looked at him. He noticed me and laughed.

"Take a picture it lasts longer," he said. I giggled. We grabbed some money of the kitchen table and walked out the door that appeared when Jason put his stele to the wall. Weird. He grabbed my hand and we ran out the door.

As we were walking the streets of Paris, I kept thinking about Jace and Clary.

Everything you think they did to you is a lie. A voice rang in my head. Sebastian is the one you can't trust. He want to use you for your power. What? Sarah come on snap out of it. You have to realize who the real threat here is. It was a female voice. Sarah I'm may be dead but I can still protect you! Snap out of it! What was going on? Sarah remember who you really are, remember who you really trust! Please! For your family! Sarah it's me remember for me! They need you now more than ever remember!

"Stop!" I shouted. Jason stopped and looked at me.

"Sar? What's the matter?" He asked me. Then my memory hit me. Well more like I ran head first into a brick wall.

"Jason, I- I remember."

"What? What do you mean you remember?"

"Sebastian drew a rune on me! Jace and Clary and everyone at the institute! I remember!" I said throwing my arms around his neck and hugging the life out of him.

"Thank god," he breathed hugged me back. It felt good to be in someone I trusts arms.

"I trust you Jason and I have to keep acting like I don't remember anything but I need to talk to my parents," I stated.

"Give me your arm," he said. I held out my arm and I felt the cold tip of his stele touch it. He drew a rune and I looked down. The communication rune I made.

Mom? I thought


Hi mommy. It had been a long time I called her that.

Sarbear! Are you okay. Sweetie you need to get out of there. Where are you?

We're in Paris but I need I ask Sebastian one question.

What is the question?

Why won't he tell Jason the truth?

Tell Jason what truth? Sar they've never met before.

That's what you think mom. I have to go. Tell everyone I love them. I love you mommy.

I love you too Sarbear.

"Jason we need to get back to the house right now," I stated and started to run back in the direction we came only to be stopped by Sebastian himself.

"Well well well. I guess that rune doesn't work on you forever does it Sarah?" He asked. I didn't say a word. "What's the matter? Are you scared of your uncle?"

"Tell Jason the truth," I spat.

"Oh you mean tell him where he came from? No no that's for a different day," he laughed. Before he realized it I grabbed Jason's hand and started to run the other way towards the Eiffel Tower. We got to the bass and I quickly drew a portal.

"Go before he knows you're gone. Tell them where we are. I'll be in contact with you when I can." He looked at me. "Please Jason go! It's for your own good! Go!" I shouted and shoved him through the portal. It quickly closed and I turned around. I felt a strong hand grip my shoulder as I looked up.

"Was it really a good idea to let him go?" Sebastian asked venomously.

"Just be happy I didn't go with him," I spat.

"Tsk tsk tsk come on let's go," he said as we started to walk back to the house.

Stay safe Jason stay safe.

Jason's POV

"I WAS SHOVED INTO THE PORTAL AGAINST MY WILL! I COULDN'T STOP HER!!!" I shouted at Jace who was just as frustrated as I was. Clary told me to keep Sarah safe and instead she was in the arms of Sebastian and I was in the safety of the New York institute although I'm not sure how safe it is when Jace is mad like he is right now.

"Why didn't you pull her in with you!" He shouted back.

"You think I didn't want to?!?! I didn't even know she shoved me in one till I was here!"

"ENOUGH! Fighting about it will get us no closer to finding my sister and I'm not going to lose her!" Becca shouted. I couldn't even look her in the eyes right now. Sebastian had something to tell me and I pretty sure it wasn't good.

"Listen Jace I'm sorry I couldn't save Sarah but I couldn't do anything about it! I really am sorry," I stated. Then I let out a single laugh. Everyone stared at me. I sighed. "I should've taken that picture..."

Sarah's POV

"Why don't you just tell him? Jason need to know the truth about who he is. About where he came from. Are you just scared to admit it because my sister and him are in love?" I taunted as Sebastian pushed me into the house.

"I am not afraid," he glared at me.

"No you're just a coward. A coward just like Valentine was."

"Do not speak of my father like that."

"Why? Because its the truth? Come on Sebastian just say it. Say it out loud. Just once. Say his name."

"I'm not going to do what a weak, stupid, ignorant 15 year old girl tells me to do."

"Fine but do you really want me to tell him? I'll find him and tell him the truth. Don't be a coward! Say his name!"

"You want me to say his name? Fine! Jason Morgenstern! My son. Your cousin and the only person in the world I care about!"

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