ALmost Lost- Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Justin’s POV

It was a month now since all that shit happened to me. It seemed like everything was going down on me, every perfect wall shattered down. The feelings of disappointment and sadness turned into pure anger and were growing bigger with time, since she left me. There were several meetings held with me, one after another with scooter going on and off about my behavior and bad press. They got almost everybody to talk to me, Usher, my parents and grandparents but I couldn’t care less then. I even heard some of my fans started cutting when they found out I had started smoking and scooter and my crew were losing trust and hope in me. That’s when I knew I had to act up; I had to regain my public figure for the sake of my fans, family and my fame. So I started taking things slow and keeping my temper till all the bad press slowly started clearing up. And I must say: I am doing a pretty great job. No one seemed to be remembering how rebel and fucked up I was. They all just believed that I was over and done with that period. Scooter and my mom still kept an eye on me though but I knew just how to play them. Truth is everything was the complete opposite from “okay”. I had this hatred building up inside me day by day and I feel as if I could just wreck anything that’s in my way. I don’t care what or whom it might be because I’m not the same anymore, I’m not myself and I don’t wanna be like that either. All I have to give now is hate and pain. I had it all planned out already, I knew just how I could maintain my image and still carry over my anger. My plan just needed that one last touch and I was gonna get that tonight. This was a whole new me. I stood in front of the mirror putting on my black/blue leather jacket and smirked at the thought of what tonight was about. 

With a last glare I grabbed my car keys, head downstairs to the front door and making it outside. I saluted Kenny who was outside there, guarding the house along with 2 other securities. “Do you need a ride buddy?” he questioned. “Nah, I got this one” I assured him opening the gates. He nodded and went back to doing his thing. “Just tell my mom I left” I shouted while getting in my car and driving off.

Rosalyns POV

“No mom for the third time tonight…I’m not going out with you tonight or ever, and you should consider staying home to, you go out every day already and you’re getting a bit old for that” I sighed in disbelief at how much of a nag my mom can be when it comes to partying. “c’monnnn Rosyy, you need to go out, meet guys and have fun, it’s summer! Enjoy your life jeez!” she shot back at me. “ugh” I breathed out walking to the kitchen to get a drink so she would stop trying to convince me, but of course she followed me there. “c’mon you barely have friends to go out with, you don’t have a boyfriend, your only companion is Glitter our dog and you’re 18, I mean for god sake can you be normal for once” mom spoke again in a pleading voice. I rolled my eyes at her comments knowing she was right though. I don’t have many friends and neither a boyfriend. Ugh I hated when she gets like this. I turned to her making her almost bounce into my face. “fine! But when I get tired, I’d just leave without announcing or-” “Yess that’s a yes!” My mom interrupted, throwing herself on me, hugging me and yelling. “I love you, I love you, I love you” She burst out planting a purposively wet kiss on my cheek before jogging upstairs. Yea right she always loves me when she gets it her way. “eww you smell like alcohol” I murmured with now a disgusted look on my face as I wiped my mom’s kisses off. “Go get ready” Mom shouted from upstairs. I rolled my eyes at her order but eventually ended up going upstairs and got ready into something black but still club wise so it wouldn’t draw much attention to me. “Rosy I’ll be waiting in the car” I heard mom yell from downstairs now. Darn it that woman can dress up fast when it comes to clubbing.  With a last look at my outfit that I didn’t like, I sighed, and head downstairs. “Wish me luck buddy” I said to glitter that was lying down peacefully on the house carpet before heading out into the car. This whole night just did not feel good I thought as we drove out onto the road.

What is Justin’s frustrated plan? And what does it have to do with Rosalyn? What will he do? Find out all about this in the next chapter.


This is a my first story I hope it's likable :) 

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