Chapter 16- After Party

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Rosalyn’s POV

All the popular Celebrities were walking around in the room; there was background music and soft lightening to make the place really cozy.

It was all really beautiful but it didn’t make my thoughts go away. I looked up at Justin standing next to me. He was looking around the room as if he was looking for some place to sit. I opened my mouth but was immediately cut off by a voice “JB my man” The source of the voice quickly appeared from Justin’s side. “Lil twist wassup bro” Justin answered him with a big grin and they did a handshake before he turned back to me. “Go sit, I’ll be there in a few” He said in my ear. I nodded faking a smile and walked off. I walked through the crowd and went to sit on one of the sofa’s that was as far away as possible from all the lights and celebrities. I sat down there looking around. Everyone was enjoying themselves.

My gaze dazzled through the crowd and ended on Justin. He was talking and laughing with the guy named lil twist but his attention was all around the room, looking around so intense. I shrug my thoughts off sighing. I have just experienced what any girl would have loved to experience and am now sitting where millions of girls around the world would kill to be sitting but I just feel empty. No matter how hard I tried to feel excited, I felt empty. “Would you like something to drink mam?” A waiter asked out of nowhere snapping me out of my thoughts. “uh, just a coke please” she took the coke and placed it on the table in front of me. “Thank you” I said smiling to the girl, taking a sip from it. “You’re a very lucky girl” The girl said making me almost choke on my drink. I put the drink back down trying to swallow the bit I have taken from it correctly before speaking.

“Excuse me” I said softly not wanting to be rude. “You’re Justin Bieber’s girlfriend right?” She continued talking. I froze as I just didn’t know what to say now. “uh” was everything that came out of my mouth. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to confirm it, people see it at the way you guys treat each other plus it’s been murmured in the news” she said smiling big and winked at me when saying the last “news” part. I smiled back at her uncomfortably as I looked away not wanting to keep holding this conversation anymore but she kept on talking. My eyes landed on lil twist again, he was alone. Justin was nowhere around him. I searched the room and I saw Justin leaving the room with a girl close behind him. Squinting my eyes so I could get a better view on them I realized it was Selena. Justin was going outside with Selena. I kept my gaze on them until they weren’t in the room anymore.


Justin’s POV

I was talking to Lil twist but I just couldn’t stop looking around the lounge room. I knew she was somewhere in here, because I saw her several times when I went up the stage for awards. She looked so beautiful, just stunning. It felt like I haven’t seen her in years. I know I shouldn't be feeling this way but I just wanted to hold her in my arms and feel her soft cheeks resting on my chest. This feeling was killing me inside; I needed to at least talk to her. I shouldn’t but I just can’t contain myself from doing it. What if she feels the same? With one more look I spotted her. She was standing on a table talking to Demi. I was right she was just so beautiful. I could stare at her the whole night through.

“Man imma go greet some people over here” I said to Lil as I walked off in her direction. I reached out my hand and carefully placed it on her right arm. She immediately turned to look at who was touching her. Her face showed no emotion as she noticed it was me but that didn’t stop me. “Hi, how are you?” I spoke smiling big that I was finally talking to her. “Hey, I’m good and you?” She answered me uncomfortable. I could feel her distant tone and I knew why, all the attention at the table was on us. I looked over at the ones at the table awkwardly. They instantly turned their heads away and continued talking. “Can I have a quick moment with you outside” I said hesitantly putting my gaze back on her. She looked down for a second as if she was over thinking it but then nodded yes. I smiled at her saying yes and put out my hand so she can take it. She looked at it for a sec but then took it and we walked off through the crowd.

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