Chapter 25- Her only option

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Justin’s POV

I had no fucking idea of what just took place. It all happened too fast! I mean Getting in there with Rosalyn, saying all those things I said to her till the moment I left , it felt so right at that exact moment! I don't know and I can still not explain with words what happened back there but Rosalyn was so hot and she just gave in to me. Everything was out of control! Everything I did and said came out of my mouth without permission, but I liked it. I stood still at that thought but then quickly shook it off. I can’t have her thinking that what happened meant anything, because it didn't.  That was definitely just a total break down from the horrible night I had and only that. She still meant pure shit to me and her life with me was going to be a living hell. Whatever happened didn't change shit. I sighed frustrated at my thoughts as I walked over to my suitcase getting some clothes on. ""&HYPERLINK ""height=211

Then picking up my shoes and other clothing to pack in my suitcase. Today we were leaving to Chicago for another concert.  After some good minutes the bathroom door got opened and a quiet down-looking Rosalyn got out in a towel. I didn’t even look up at her so that she wouldn’t mistake anything. I watched her with the corner of my eyes as she quickly made her way to her suitcase, getting out some clothes and went straight back into the bathroom. For a moment there I felt like going after her but I immediately push that stupid thought down and went back to packing my stuff. A knock on the door followed by a recognizable voice made me stop what I’m doing. “Honey, are you guys awake?”. I smiled at the happy voice tone my mom always had. I closed my suitcase and walked out to the living room, opening the door.

“Hey sweetheart, how are you doing? How was last night?” She came in hugging me. I knew she was gonna ask about last night, she was always so attentive. That’s why I love her. But sure I couldn’t tell her the whole bunch of shit that happened last night. She'd freak out on it, then there'll be long talking and I still wasn't in the mood to talk about what went on last night. Eventually she would have to know though but just not now. There's a reason I didn't let her pick me  up at detention. “Hi mom, last night was okay” I lied, closing the door behind her. “That’s good honey, I’m glad you had fun, where’s Rosalyn?” She added walking further in the room. “She’s in the bathroom dressing” I answered quickly not wanting to talk more about Rosalyn with my mom. “That’s okay, I came to help you guys pack all your stuff because Kenny already wants to start bringing the luggage to the tour bus” She said looking concerned. “Relax mom, Only Rosalyn’s stuff has to be packed but I have an interview with Ellen in a few and I’ve booked Rosalyn a photo shoot so she wouldn’t be left alone at the hotel so-” I spoke making it sound like I was being nice to Rosalyn.

Truth is I just didn't want her alone with my mom for long hours. I don't trust what she might say although with what just happened between us I doubt she would have any complaints. I smirked at my own thoughts. My mom cut me off before I could finish and I knew just what speech she was about to give. “awh my boy, you’re always putting others before and being so generous, I’m proud of you, you know that right” My mom said walking up to me and taking my forehead down for a kiss. Of course, she always does that. Bringing my head back up, I had to blink twice when my eyes met Rosalyn standing in the bedrooms door frame. The dress she had on embraced her figure perfectly accentuating every curve on her body and her face, it had this strangely beautiful light tone in it..almost faded but still visible. I don’t know what she had done but she looked amazing. I fought myself to take my gaze off her and instantly did. “I’m ready” she dryly said, making my mom turn to look at her to.   

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